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Frage Antworten
udziałowiec firmy
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company shareholder
zrozumieć pragnienia i potrzeby klientów
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understand the desires and needs of customers
właściciel fabryki
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factory owner
przewidywać problemy
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anticipate problems
cenne aktywa
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valuable assets
przerażający szef
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imtimidating boss
spadek czy wzrost?
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decline or increase?
rozbudować sieć łańcuchów
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expand the chain of chains
rozpoznawalna marka
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recognizable brand
według najnowszego raportu
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according to the latest report
Gdzie pracujesz?
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Where do you work?
Czy twoja firma się rozwija?
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Is your company growing?
Ilu pracowników zatrudnia twoja firma?
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How many employees does your company employ?
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
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zwiększenie sprzedaży
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boost sales
termin płatności
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spadek (np. cen)
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brand loyalty
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The tendency to always buy A particular brand
brand image
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The ideas and beliefs people have about brand
brand stretching
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using an existing name on another type of product
brand awareness
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how familiar people are with A brand
brand name
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The title given to a product by the company that makes it
product launch
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The introdction of a product to The market
product lifecycle
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The length of time people continue to buy A product
product range
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the set of products made by A company
product placement
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when products are used in films or TV programmes
product endorsement
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The use of a well-known person to advertise products
market leader
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The best-selling product or brand in A market
market research
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information about what customers want it need
market share
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the percentage of sales A Company has
market challenger
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The second best-selling product or brand in A market
market segment
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customers of a similar age, income level or social group

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