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Lernen beginnen
good to have you aboard
coś się liczy coś jest ważne wartościowe
Lernen beginnen
something count
It doesn't matters what you've said what count is how you act.
to nie ważne
inaczej it doesn't important
Lernen beginnen
it doesn't caunt
Lernen beginnen
He performed a new song during a concert.
daj spokój
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give me a break
W tym względzie
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in that regard
The union is the largest in the country and in this/that regard is best placed to serve its members.
to do something really well
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nail something
You're going to nail your exam.
Udało wam się!
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You nailed it!
z góry dziękuję
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Thank you in advance
w promocji, w przecenie
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on sale
They're having a sale on tv.
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His effort was appreciated.
w centrum handlowym
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at the mall
Will we meet at the mall?
dla przypomnienia - o fi cjalnie, proszę zauważyć
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for the record – oficjalnie, proszę zauważyć
For the record, this book shouldn't be here.
ja się tym zajmę
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I will get it.
jest w sam raz
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it is Just right
układ NOUN
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We're meeting tomorrow to discuss arrangements for the competition.
Ashley sama wychowuje Dziecko.
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Ashley is going to raise the Child by herself.
więcej konkretów
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more specificity
Please give me more specificity.
przechodziłem przez rozwód
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I have been through a divorce
po trochu
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bit by bit
My English bit by bit become better.
Założę sie
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I'd bet
She has got a great body. I had bet she is a model.
pozwolić sobie
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This car cost 2000zł. We can afford it!
Nic nie slysze
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I won't hear a thing.
rzecz lub dwa
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a thing or two
I was Just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here.
Żałować ze nie szkoda że nie woleć żeby
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I wish
I wish that I didn't have to go to work. I wish I had been there.
moco się postarać
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try hard
You should more try hard!
bez konkretnego powodu
Lernen beginnen
no particulary reason
She starts crying with no particular reason.
Może również
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Might as well
If we are going to be waiting here for an hour we might as well sit down.
niech mnie cholera cholera jasna
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I will be damned
Zdarza się
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It happens
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You should avoid him.
kropla w morzu
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drop in the ocean
This order is drop in the ocean.
Działania mówią głośniej niż słowa
Lernen beginnen
action speak louder than words
dodać oliwy do ognia
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to add fuel to the fire
Twoja kolej na podjęcie decyzji
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The Ball is in your court
I have done all I can do the Ball is in your court
zrobić wszytko co można aby pomoc komuś
Lernen beginnen
to bend over backwards
Our company is bending over backwards to satisfy our customers.
odgryźć więcej, niż możesz przeżuć wziąć zadanie które przerasta
Lernen beginnen
to bite off more than you can chew
I think I have bitten off more than I can chew with this project.
ledwie się przepchnąć
only just
Lernen beginnen
by the skin of one's teeth
I think I Might have passed that exam by the skin of my teeth!
właśnie / dopiero co
Lernen beginnen
only just
We'd only just set off when the car broke down.
wzywać pomocy która nie jest potrzebna
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to cry wolf
My new flatmate is always crying Wolf.
dać komuś trochę luzu
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to cut somebody some slack
You need to cut the intern some slack-they are still learning.
wiązać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
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to play truant
Your son to play taunt often in last weeks.
do rzeczy sedna
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to cut to the chase
To cut to the chase- I am not comfortable working alongside John anymore.
Lernen beginnen
We have two semesters at our school.
Lernen beginnen
form master
We like our form master.
Oddzwonię do ciebie mniej więcej 10 minut
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I call you back 10 minutes more and less
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let go
The little dog was biting my jeans and didn't want to let go.
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common room
You must go to the common room.
program nauczania
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a curriculum
She demanded to see the school's curriculum.
zdjąć ubranie
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take off clothes
Please take off clothes and sit down in the living room.
wetknąć / i do czegoś
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tuck in/i to something
Lernen beginnen
The passport will be compulsory in the border.
Lernen beginnen
a textbook
My textbook is old.
grono pedagogiczne
Lernen beginnen
teaching staff
Teaching staff are having an appointment tomorrow at 6 o'clock p.m.
Ty też nie mów ani słowa.
used to emphatically say to someone that they shouldn't do something
Lernen beginnen
Don't you say a word either.
Lernen beginnen
nursery school/ kindergarten
nie waż się
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don't you dare
Zmęcz kogoś
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Tire someone out
The kids Play together until they tired each other out
iść przodem śmiało dawaj
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go ahead
the Boss told me I can go ahead and leave early today.
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a lecturer in psychology
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a right-wing newspaper
Lernen beginnen
poza skalą
Lernen beginnen
out of scale
His result is out of scale.
plan lekcji
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dostać się gdzieś
to make progress
Lernen beginnen
to get somewhere
Now that I have found ways to make learning English fun, I am really getting somewhere!
szkoła podstawowa
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a primary school
Lernen beginnen
This tuition is too high!
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He is dean in our schools.
szkoła z internatem
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boarding school
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a dormitory
I live in dormitory.
rok akademicki
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academic year
urlop naukowy
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He takes a sabbatical last year.
praca semestralna
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term paper
zapisać się na kurs
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enroll in a course
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
a briefcase
szkoła zawodowa
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vocational school
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a pencil sharpener
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a ruler
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a stapler
Lernen beginnen
wyciągnij wielki pistolet wyciągnąć najsilniejszą broń
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pull out the big gun
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a rucksack
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
This price is optional.
robić paskudne
humorous way to say have sex
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do the nasty
rok szkolny
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school year
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albo czarny albo bialy
Lernen beginnen
either Black or white
You should pick up either black or white.
przyciągać pociągać
we say that something drew you when your attention or makes you want to do something
Lernen beginnen
draws (somebody)
what drew me to teaching English is the fact that it helps people connect to the entire world
pielęgnować sth
Lernen beginnen
nurture sth
it is important to nurture potential in your employees.

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