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1. obolały, bolesny 2. urażony - annoyed
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To have a sore throat. His feet were sore after the walk. He was still sore at me for telling him he couldn't sing.
1. dziwny, osobliwy 2. szczególny, swoisty 3. slightly ill
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There was something peculiar in the way he smiled. I had a peculiar feeling we'd met before. A humour that is peculiar to American sitcoms. The family’s peculiar importance in the affair. The peculiar properties of mercury
bezładny, niechlujny, nieschludny - porządek, ale też ludzie, zachowanie
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Disorderly behaviour. A disorderly crowd had gathered outside the embassy. Newspapers in a disorderly pile by the door.
1. słaby, nikły 2. slight (possible but unlikely) 3. not enthusiastic 4. osłabiony, słaby - samopoczucie
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A faint smell of perfume. We saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist. There is still a faint hope that she may be cured. A faint show of resistance. She suddenly felt faint. A faint smile.
1. złośliwy 2. skąpy
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She's always been mean with money. Don't be so mean to your little brother!
bezmyślny, nierozważny, lekkomyślny
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A thoughtless remark.
1. śliski 2. nieuczciwy, nierzetelny o osobie 3. śliski, ryzykowny o sytuacji, problemie itp.
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In places the path can be wet and slippery. Don't believe what he says—he's a slippery customer. Freedom is a slippery concept.
1. oburzający, skandaliczny 2. ekstrawagancki
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Outrageous behaviour. She says the most outrageous things sometimes.
podrobiony, sfałszowany
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fake - fałszywy, udający
Counterfeit watches. Are you aware these notes are counterfeit?
szkaradny, ohydny, paskudny
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A hideous face/building/dress. A hideous crime.
1. very bad or unpleasant 2. terrible
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1. very bad or unpleasant 2. terrible
What dreadful weather! What a dreadful thing to say! He’s a dreadful snob. She's making a dreadful mess of things.
1. spięty, zdenerwowany - osoba 2. napięty, nerwowy 3. napięty, naprężony 4.
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He's a very tense person. I spent a tense few weeks waiting for the results of the tests. The atmosphere in the meeting was getting more and more tense. A massage will relax those tense muscles.
1. anxious, zażenowany 2. niestabilny 3. niespokojny 4. used to describe a mixture of two things, feelings, etc. that do not go well together
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His presence made her feel uneasy. An uneasy laugh. An uneasy peace. The two sides eventually reached an uneasy compromise. She woke from an uneasy sleep to find the house empty. An uneasy mix of humour and violence.
nierozsądny, niemądry, foolish
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It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts. An unwise investment.
1. beznadziejny 2. rozpaczliwy
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It's hopeless trying to convince her. The buses are absolutely hopeless these days! He's an absolutely hopeless driver. She felt lonely and hopeless.
1. boring 2. nijaki, matowy 3. pochmurny 4. ćmiący ból - continuous 5. głuchy, stłumiony 6. tępy, głupi 7. w zastoju - rynek
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Life in a small town could be deadly dull. Dull, lifeless hair. It was a dull, grey day. The gates shut behind him with a dull thud. A dull ache/pain. A dull pupil. Don't sell into a dull market.
1. bezsensowny, pointless 2. nieistotny, irrelevant 3. niezrozumiały
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A meaningless existence. We fill up our lives with meaningless tasks. Fines are meaningless to a huge company like that. To me that painting is completely meaningless.
1. bezmyślny, senseless 2. niewymagający myślenia 3. not remembering somebody/something and not considering them or it when you do something
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Mindless violence. A mindless and repetitive task. We explored the whole town, mindless of the cold and rain.
żenujący, wprawiający w zakłopotanie
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I didn't want to risk making the rest of the evening painfully embarrassing for both of us. This EU ruling puts Britain in a very embarrassing position.
1. zażenowany, zakłopotany 2. w trudnej sytuacji finansowej
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She's embarrassed about her weight.

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