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1. obnażony, goły 2. odkryty, odsłonięty 3. empty - room, cupboard 4. just enough; the most basic or simple
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The winter sun filtered through the bare branches of the trees. The walls were bare except for a clock. The walls were bare except for a clock. He did the bare minimum of work but still passed the exam. She gave me only the bare facts of the case.
1. tępy, stępiony 2. szczery, otwarty - rozmowa
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This pencil's blunt! She has a reputation for blunt speaking. To be blunt, your work is appalling.
1. naciągnięty, naprężony 2. zaciśnięty, mocno dokręcony 3. surowy, ostry - kontrola 4. ograniczony 5. napięty 6. ciasny 7. żałujący pieniędzy
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Is the wire tight enough? Help me untie this tight knot. Tight criticism will be good for him. Our budget is tight, we cannot afford a trip to Spain. I have a tight schedule. My plane seat was too tight. Stop being so tight and buy us a round!
8. bliski - związek, relacja 9. kręty, wąski 10. ściśnięty - gardło 11. bezbłędny 12. wyrównany
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Their friendship is tight, they've known each other for years. This curve is tight, watch out. I've been so nervous my stomach was tight. She gave us a tight smile and left. Rihanna's performance was tight! The game was tight and it ended with a draw.
1. zabłocony 2. mętny - substancja 3. ciemny odcień
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1. huge 2. remarkable
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He was driving with tremendous speed. This makes a tremendous difference. Your party was tremendous! It was a tremendous experience.
piskliwy, skrzypiący
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zmylony, zwiedziony
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He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship. Misleading the court in a trial is a serious offence. The company misled hundreds of people into investing their money unwisely.
1. bezrobotny 2. zbędny, niepotrzebny
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Redundant employees. The picture has too much redundant detail.

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