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Jakie stosowne doświadczenie ty masz?
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What relevant experience do you have? I have relevant qualifications and long work experience in this position.
Co lubiłeś lub czego nie lubiłeś w swojej poprzedniej pracy?
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What did you like or dislike about your previous job? I liked to implement innovations and create new programs to improve work - not only in my position. I didn't like commuting. I missed contact with people and challenges.
Jakie główne wyzwania przeprowadzałeś?
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What major challenges have you handled? I implemented many innovations and created a lot of programs to improve work.
Jak się dopasowałeś do kultury pracy?
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How did you fit in with the company culture? I like to learn new cultures. I am interested in traveling. I adapt quickly to new conditions.
Jakie były twoje największe osiągnięcia (porażki) na tym stanowisku?
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What were your biggest accomplishment (failures) in this position? I implemented many innovations and created a lot of programs to improve work. The biggest failure was the lack of time.
Co było najbardziej / najmniej satysfakcjonujące w twojej pracy?
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What was the most / least rewarding about your work? The most rewarding was learning new things. Commuting to work gave me the least satisfaction.
Dlaczego porzucasz pracę?
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Why are you leaving your job? I'm leaving my job because of commuting / changing my place of residence.
Dlaczego odeszłeś?
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Why did you resign? I resigned my job because of commuting / changing my place of residence.
Dlaczego rzuciłeś pracę?
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Why did you quit your job? I quited my job because of commuting / changing my place of residence.
Opisz swój styl pracy?
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Describe your work style? I never give up, I am looking for solutions, I am creative and conscientious. I focus on the result.
Czy zabierasz pracę do domu ze sobą?
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Do you take work home with you? I work in a position, I prefer to stay a little longer at work to finish the job. I have the right tools at work, so I work more efficiently.
Jak opisałbyś tempo swojej pracy?
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How would you describe the pace of your work? I am involved and focused on work. I do not postpone anything and consistently achieve results.
Czy jest jakieś środowisko pracy, które preferujesz?
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Is there a type of work environment you prefer? I like challenges. I work well in silence but I can focus when working in a group.
Co interesuje ciebie w tej pracy?
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What interests you about this job? I like challenges. I am interested in innovations. I always try to improve work not only in my position.
Jak się odnajdujesz w podejmowaniu bardzo trudnych decyzji?
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What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? I have no problems making difficult decisions. I know what is good for a company.
Miałeś kiedyś trudności z kierownikiem?
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Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? I have never had difficulty with the manager. We have always found solutions.
Czy złościłeś się w pracy? Co się stało?
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Have you gotten angry at work? What happened? I had no reason to be dissatisfied. I was looking for the best solutions, I was training and it gave me satisfaction.
Jak sobie radziłeś, gdy twój szef się mylił?
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How would you handle if your boss was wrong? I was looking for arguments for the boss to change his mind.
Nie jesteś zbyt wykwalifikowany do tej pracy?
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Are you overqualified for this job? I am looking for something new. I want to change the industry and I don't think that my qualifications are too high.
Preferujesz pracować sam czy w grupie?
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Do you prefer to work alone or on a team? I like working in silence but I can focus when working in a group. Unusual solutions can be found in the team. I can learn a lot from others.
Opisz twojego najlepszego szefa i najgorszego.
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Describe your best boss and your worst. I like to learn and enjoy working with people with experience. I've never had a bad boss. I could learn new things from everyone.
Jak radzisz sobie ze stresem i presją?
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How do you handle stress and pressure? I focus on the result. I have the satisfaction of overcoming difficulties. Time pressure and stress are motivating.
Jeśli ludzie którzy znają ciebie będą zapytani, czemu powinno się ciebie zatrudnić, co by powiedzieli?
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If people who know you were asked, why you shoould be hired, what would they say? I should be employed because I focus on work, I am looking for new solutions and I like to learn new things.
Co wiesz o tej firmie?
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What do you know about this company? I know that the company deals in sales and storage of products. Is the largest provider of logistics services.
Co możesz wnieść do tej firmy?
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What can you contribute to this company? I can bring my experience and innovative solutions. I have lots of ideas and energy to act.
Co możesz zrobić dla tej firmy?
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What can you do for this company? I can bring my experience and innovative solutions. I have lots of ideas and energy to act.
Jakie problemy możesz napotkać w pracy?
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What problems can you encountered at work? I need some time to learn about work culture. I learn quickly, so I will learn programs in a short time. At the beginning I would like to ask for training in reporting.
Czym się zajmowałaś w poprzedniej pracy?
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In my previous job, I managed a team of people. I planned production and organized transports. I took care of the factory building. I was responsible for optimization and results on production.
Czym się zajmowałaś w poprzedniej pracy.
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What did you do in your previous job? I dealt with reports and personnel issues. I supplemented the data. I often contacted people to make corrections.

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