Русские идиомы о животных - Russian idioms about animals - figurative meaning

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Вот где собака зарыта!
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To get to the heart of the matter / to find the root of the problem.
The literal translation is "that’s where the dog is buried!"
Делать из мухи слона.
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To make a mountain out of a molehill.
It means exaggerating, but Russians go bigger than a simple mountain or a molehill.
The literal translation is "to make an elephant out of a fly".
Когда рак на горе свистнет.
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When pigs fly.
It means that something is so surreal that it is never going to happen.
It literally means "when a lobster whistles on the top of a mountain".
Любовь зла, полюбишь и козла.
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Love is blind.
It means that you cannot control with whom you fall in love.
The literal translation is “love is evil, you may fall in love with a goat”.
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"Russian idioms and aphorisms"
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