School equipment in Ukrainian

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Frage Antworten
school equipment
Lernen beginnen
шкільне приладдя (с. р.)
Lernen beginnen
гумка (ж. р.)
Lernen beginnen
книга (ж. р.)
Lernen beginnen
лінійка (ж. р.)
Lernen beginnen
олівець (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
ручка (ж. р.)
school bag
Lernen beginnen
шкільна сумка (ж. р.)
Lernen beginnen
підручник (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
степлер (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
клей (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
атлас (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
кольорові олівці (ч. р. мн.)

Learn School equipment in Ukrainian

Have you ever imagined speaking Ukrainian? So this is your chance! Let's get started with School equipment and take a look at this wonderful language! Likely you do not even know the correct spelling of School equipment in Ukrainian, hm? You needn't worry! The solution is just in our lesson: through our flashcards, you will also have the opportunity to learn or just improve your pronunciation, through our recordings! Do you still think this will not be helpful someday? Are you totally sure? This is the greatest part about learning a new foreign language! The secret is all about repetition: thanks to our method, you will have the opportunity to practise what you studied in order to remember it! Stop wasting your time on useless apps! Let's get started right now withSchool equipment in Ukrainian!

Why should I learn Ukrainian?

There are many reasons to study Ukrainian! Learning Ukrainian language will give you access to multiple books, movies or even memes, created in Ukrainian language. If the reasons above are not enough for you to start studying Ukrainian language, think of it as a challenge. Every moment you learn a foreign language, you activate the area in your brain responsible for remembering.

How to learn Ukrainian fast

The key to success is to revise vocabulary often but not too often. Our language learning app will take care of it by scheduling repetitions of the words in Ukrainian you did not know, making you remember more in less time!

Learn Ukrainian fast and efficiently!

If you feel unconfident while speaking in Ukrainian, why don't you take a look at our resources and gain the confidence by practicing Ukrainian language every day!

Ukrainian flashcards that may interest you!

The lesson on School equipment in Ukrainian is just a little study set. If you are interested in professional language courses, we encourage you to take a look at our offer on Ukrainian language courses. If you'd rather short lessons on Ukrainian, try out our other lessons.

Learn useful Ukrainian online and attain systematic learning.

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