settembre flashcards 2021

 0    152 Datenblatt    dawidoperskalski
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because I feel you are far away, far from me
Lernen beginnen
perché ti sento lontana, lontana da me
I would like lasagna
Lernen beginnen
vorrei le lasagne
Where is the toilet?
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Dov’è il bagno?
How much cost a ticket?
Lernen beginnen
Quanto costa un biglietto?
I'm coming home
Lernen beginnen
sto tornando a casa
I'm hungry and thirsty
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Ho fame e sete
are you hungry?
Lernen beginnen
hai fame?
He is sleepy
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Lui ha sonno
I'm cold
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ho freddo
are you cold?
Lernen beginnen
hai freddo?
I have a headache
Lernen beginnen
Ho mal di testa
she has toothache
Lernen beginnen
lei ha mal di denti
We are cold
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Noi abbiamo freddo
you are hungry? (plural)
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avete fame?
Voi avete fame?
They are a little hot
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Loro hanno un po’ caldo
we have backache
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abbiamo mal di schiena
my phone number is
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il mio numero di telefono è
in the next year
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nel prossimo anno
the boy is young
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il ragazzo è giovane
I'm engaged
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sono fidanzato
The Italians are cheerful
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Gli italiani sono allegri
sweet life
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dolce vita
they are friendly
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loro sono amichevoli
Italians are noisy
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Gli italiani sono rumorosi
I work as a technologist
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Lavoro come tecnologo
tell me
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Poles are unpleasant
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I polacchi sono antipatici
I was born in Gliwice
Lernen beginnen
sono nato a Gliwice
how old are you?
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quanti anni hai?
as you know
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come sapete
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a volte
Italians are open and chaotic
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gli italiani sono aperti e caotici
load the pressure
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carica la pressione
release the pressure
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scarica la pressione
the leak test
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la prova di tenuta
the air bubbles
pecherzyki powietrza
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le bollicine d’aria
dry air
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l’aria secca
we put on the leak test plugs
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installiamo i tappi di chiusura
the helium machine
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la macchina a elio
the mobile table
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il tavolo mobile
the pressure
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la pressione
a diameter
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un diametro
I am present
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sono presente
I use it for
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lo uso per
How do you know?
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Come lo sai?
check the drawing
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controlla il disegno
the process consists of:
Lernen beginnen
il processo consiste in:
what's the difference between?
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qual è la differenza tra?
tra = between
you can in English
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puoi in inglese
I have problems with anomalies
Lernen beginnen
ho i problemi con le anomalie
I have problems with the machines and the setup
Lernen beginnen
Ho i problemi con le macchine e il setup
I work in the TMI department
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lavoro nel reparto di TMI
they have problems with communication
Lernen beginnen
loro hanno problemi con la comunicazione
which David?
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quale Davide?
correct processing
poprawna obróbka
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la corretta lavorazione
the evaporator is immersed in the tank
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l’evaporatore si immerge nella vasca
I have a request
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ho una richiesta
I have problems with the lack of materials and components
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Ho i problemi con la mancanza di materiali e componenti
the other departments
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gli altri reparti
you have to check the pressure
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bisogna controllare la pressione
the diameter must be checked
Lernen beginnen
bisogna verificare il diametro
you have to observe the bubbles
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bisogna osservare le bollicine
you need to modify the setup
Lernen beginnen
bisogna modificare il setup
the lack of tightness
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la mancanza di tenuta
the SEST produces the exchangers
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il SEST produce gli scambiatori
we have to check the drawing
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dobbiamo controllare il disegno
he must observe the air bubbles
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deve osservare le bollicine d'aria
it is very important
Lernen beginnen
è molto importante
the wine is very good
Lernen beginnen
il vino è molto buono
Is your mother tall or short?
Lernen beginnen
Tua madre è alta o bassa?
we have problems with efficiency
Lernen beginnen
abbiamo problemi con l'efficienza
what else?
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as you know
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come sai
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mainly Italian
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principalmente italiano
and so on...
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e così via...
in our factory
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nella nostra fabbrica
Italy is shaped like a boot
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L’italia ha la forma di uno stivale
Italy is long and narrow
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L’italia è lunga e stretta
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The Italian islands are Sicily and Sardinia
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Le isole italiane sono la Sicilia e la Sardegna
It weighs fifty-six kilograms
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Pesa cinquantasei chilogrammi
one hundred kilometers
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cento chilometri
(nożyce) noże tnące
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the capital of poland is Warsaw
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la capitale della polonia è Varsavia
the capital of Italy is Rome
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la capitale d’italia è Roma
the Italian currency is the euro
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la moneta italiana è l’euro
the language in Italy is Italian
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la lingua in Italia è l’italiano
Italy is a peninsula
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L’italia è una penisola
There are
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Ci sono
the mountains in Italy are the Alps and the Apennines
Lernen beginnen
le montagne in Italia sono le Alpi e gli Appenini
There are twenty regions in Italy
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Ci sono venti regioni in Italia
We have problems with the transmission of information
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Abbiamo problemi con la transmissione di informazioni
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the dialogues in Italian are difficult
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i dialoghi in italiano sono difficili
the Italian ice creams are good
Lernen beginnen
i gelati italiani sono buoni
i have problems on the production line
Lernen beginnen
ho i problemi sulla linea di produzione
the design was not clear
Lernen beginnen
il disegno non era chiaro
the design is not clear
Lernen beginnen
il disegno non è chiaro
it looks like a square
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sembra un quadrato
short and narrow
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corto e stretto
In the beginning you have to do the cross-check
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All’inizio bisogna effettuare il controllo incrociato
bend the sheets
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piegare le lamiere
during punching
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durante la punzonatura
the production departments
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i reparti produttivi
the table with the evaporator emerges from the water
wynurza sie
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il tavolo con evaporatore emerge dall’acqua
Remove the closing caps
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Togliere i tappi di chiusura
there are two machines for the leak test
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ci sono due macchine per la prova di tenuta
per = for
the test tank and the helium machine
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la vasca di prova e la macchina a elio
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che cosa?
I don't know why, but
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Non so perché, ma
I must do it
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devo farlo
given the fact
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dato il fatto
I forgot
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ho dimenticato
I was learning thirty minutes today
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Stavo imparando trenta minuti oggi
i am struggling with the problems on the production
Lernen beginnen
sto lottando con i problemi sulla produzione
What is this?
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cos’è questo?
the basil
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il basilico
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a door
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una porta
one moment
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un momento
one eye
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un occhio
bridge crane
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Lernen beginnen
le cuffie
the Polish flag is white and red
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la bandiera polacca è bianca e rossa
I prefer ice cream
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preferisco i gelati
a saw
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una sega
we are struggling with so many problems today
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stiamo lottando con così tanti problemi oggi
what is the opposite of...
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qual è il contrario di...
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maybe, perhaps
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He doesn't understand English
Lernen beginnen
Lui non capisce l’inglese
what time do you finish work?
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a che ora finisci di lavorare?
you have to put the evaporator on the palette
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devi mettere l'evaporatore sulla pedana
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a complicated project
Lernen beginnen
un progetto complicato
Of course
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where do you come from?
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da dove vieni?
I proposed in Portugal
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Ho proposto in Portogallo
I studied the lessons
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Ho studiato le lezioni
I'm going to spain
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Vado in spagna
I'm going to
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sto andando a
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he is young and fit
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lui è giovane e in forma
she is calm and shy
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lei è calma e timida
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copper tube
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tubo di rame
both crow and Pietro work in P1
zarówno wrona jak i Pietro
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sia cornacchia che Pietro lavorano in P1
he does not understand either Chinese or French
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lui non capisce nè il cinese nè il francese
my parents
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i miei genitori
I wrote it without a translator
Lernen beginnen
L'ho scritto senza un traduttore

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