Slimming 6

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relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty:
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The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal
to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something:
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she acknowledged having been at fault (that she had been at fault
to prevent something from happening by taking action first:
ona zostala uniewinniona za wszystkich oskarzen przeciw niej
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State laws preempted local governments from restricting newspaper displays.
to breathe fast and with difficulty, usually because you have been doing exercise
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"I ran all the way home," she puffed (= said while puffing).
completely or extremely:
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Another scandal would be acutely embarrassing for the government. Management is acutely aware of the resentment that their decision may cause
to suddenly move in a way that is not controlled
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The train lurched forward and some of the people standing fell over.
having a lot of trouble with something, or having to deal with a lot of something that causes problems:
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The project has been beset by problems from the start. With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is beset by/with dangers
hurt or troubled by something bad:
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Many problems have beset the team in recent months.
dowcip, inteligencja, the ability to say things that are funny and clever
kobieta o wielkiej inteligencji i dowcipie
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a woman of great intelligence and wit
the feeling of not liking a group of people or unfair treatment of them because they are a different race, sex, religion, etc
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prejudice against women
the beginning of something, usually something unpleasant
nowe leczenie moze opoznic poczatek choroby o kilka lat
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the new treatment can delay the onset of the diseas by several years.
placowka policyjna, wojskowa
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a police/ military outpost
perspektywy, the likely future situation
perspektywy dla gospodarki w przyszlym roku sa ponure(posepne)
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The outlook for the economy next year is bleak.
wsciekle, zajadle, dziko
druzyna zaciekle bronila ich gola, ale wciaz przegrala
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the team fiercely defended their goal but still lost
an upset and confused state: denerwowac sie
Wazne jest kiedy gotujesz dla wielu ludzi to nie zdenerwowac sie.
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The important thing when you're cooking for a lot of people is not to get in a fluster.
miec tendencje (x incline)
ona ma tendencje do przesady, to jest pewne
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be prone
she is prone to exaggerate, that's for sure
miec tendencje (x incline)
ona ma tendencje do przesady, to jest pewne
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be prone
she is prone to exaggerate, that's for sure
psy, lisy i nietoperze moga wszyscy nosic wscieklizne
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Dogs, foxes and bats can all carry rabies.

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