styczeń 2023_2

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infekcja układu oddechowego
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respiratory infection
This may be the reason that old people have more respiratory infections.
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ICU, intensive care unit
zostać zamkniętym (np. fabryka)
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shut down
The pediatric unit shut down suddenly.
wziąć na siebie ciężar
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shoulder the burden
If we don't shoulder the burdens, no one else will.
cukierek żelatynowy, żelek
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kręcić się wokół
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revolve around
Our life revolves around our kids.
bagatelizować, umniejszać, pomniejszać
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This article understated the extent of the problem.
Piekło wybrukowane jest dobrymi intencjami
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Hell is paved with good intentions
chwytliwy (np. slogan reklamowy), podjęty z werwą, szybko
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snappy, catchy
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make it snappy!
sprowadzać się do czegoś
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boil down to sth, come down to something
Money, why did so many things always boil down to that?
zyskać uznanie, zyskać akceptację
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get traction, gain traction
uświęcony tradycją, prawem
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enshrined in tradition, in law
naradzanie się
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They conferred for a moment and decided on a plan.
przykuty do łóżka, obłożnie chory
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bedridden patient
zacofana wieś
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backward village
krzyczenie, wykrzykiwanie, wołanie radośnie
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They knew a building victory and whooped as if it were already won.
rozlana krew, przebić, dźgać
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There was plenty of gore at the demonstration. The elephant gored his arm with a tusk.
hamować, powstrzymywać
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I thought I'd have so many things to love and nothing to hinder me.
idealna okazja
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dream ticket
nieruchomość nieobciążona
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unencumbered property
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majątek obciążony długiem
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encumbered property
strzelanina, wymiana ognia
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shootout, shooting, firefight
zadłużony, dłużny, winny (pieniądze)
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on the hook
Local governments are on the hook for between 10 and 25 percent of many programs.
na dodatek czegoś, na domiar czegoś
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on top of something
on top of something
akcje uprzywilejowane
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preference shares
zadowolony z siebie, beztroski
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Well, are you complacent now?
po trochu, krok po kroku
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bit by bit, step by step
nieprzyzwoita pora (bardzo wczesna bądź bardzo późna), nieludzka pora
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ungodly hour
What brought you over here at this ungodly hour?"
czekać w kolejce
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line up
She lined up for the cigarettes. They're lined up for your office
tekst na podryw
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pick-up line
But it will also sometimes be used by men in pick-up lines.
gość honorowy
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guest of honor
z każdą mijającą minutą
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with every passing moment
nieszczęśliwy wypadek, niefortunny wypadek,
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mishap, misadventure
The fire broke out because of a mishap in the kitchen
hermetyczny, szczelny, nie do podważenia
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Keep in an airtight container for up to a week.
zdeformowany, zniekształcony, oszpecać
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The family was not allowed to view the disfigured body.
wybawca, zbawca
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savior, savior
usterka, zakłócenie, komplikacja
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But despite the glitch, she is not about to go back to the old way.
nadwyżka budżetowa
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budget surplus
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military surplus
hodowca (roślin, zwierząt)
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Some island growers fear they may go out of business.
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year-round, all year round
Bananas are available year-round in most stores.
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w skali
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on a scale of
On a scale of 1 to 10, I give the movie a 9.
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greenhouse gas
We know that around 20% of greenhouse gas emissions come from transport.
zarządzanie zasobami
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resource management
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conducive to sth
But the environment in my home was not conducive to education.
rumowisko, gruzy
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rubble, debris
There's a man pinned under some rubble that we're still trying to free
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