Synonyms for the adjective "old"

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existing before something or someone else
The ________ government wasn't as bad as we thought.
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The former government wasn't as bad as we thought.
no longer in use, very old
"thy" is an ________ word, nobody uses it anymore.
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"Thy" is an archaic word, nobody uses it anymore.
well developed emotionally, adult
Even though she is only seventeen, she is very ________.
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Even though she is only seventeen, she is very mature.
very old, used to refer to the period in European history from the earliest known societies to the end of the Roman Empire
The culture of which ________ civilization seems to be the most interesting for you?
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The culture of which ancient civilization seems to be the most interesting for you?
older or higher in rank
The ________ students are usually more interested in school.
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The senior students are usually more interested in school.
outdated or an old person, especially one who will not accept new ideas
informal, humourous
Being a lot older than the rest, he was perceived as a ________.
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Primarily fossil means the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in rock and preserved in petrified form
Being a lot older than the rest, he was perceived as a fossil.
being an adult or behaving in a responsible way
When I was six my mom told me that Lord of the Rings was a too ________ book for me.
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grown up
When I was six my mom told me that Lord of the Rings was a too grown up book for me.
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"Synonyme für die zu häufig verwenteden englischen Wörter"
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