Ten commandments

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Frage English Antworten English
What is the first commandment?
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Have no other gods
What is the second commandment?
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Have no idols
What is the third commandment?
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Honor God's name
What is the fourth commandment?
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Honor the Sabbath day
What is the fifth commandment?
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Honor your parents
What is the sixth commandment?
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Do not murder
What is the seventh commandment?
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Do not commit adultery
What is the eighth commandment?
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Do not steal
What is the ninth commandment?
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Do not perjure yourself
What is the tenth commandment?
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Do not covet
Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments from God?
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In the Mount Sinai
Which commandment tells us that we should not steal?
Lernen beginnen
The eighth commandment

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