Terraced paddy Fields

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còng, ngăn cản, ngăn chặn, khóa
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shackle (v)
kids shackled by isolation
xã, phường
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ward, commune
A northern highland commune
phi thường
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the extraordinarily picturesque province
đẹp như tranh vẽ (n)
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picturesque (n)
the extraordinarily picturesque province
tối tăm
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obscurity (n)
in obscurity, hidden by forest and mountains
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twisting (a)
twisting passes or sections
đổ nát
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dilapidated (a)
several brick houses in a dilapidated condition
làm say mê, làm say đắm
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bewitch (v)
the stunning terraced paddy fields bewitch visitors to Ha Giang
trường nội trú
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boarding school
then, the Ho Thau secondary school was not a boarding school
rơi ra ngoài, từ bỏ
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drop out (v)
she should not drop out of school no matter what
không chắc chắn, không cam kết
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the father is non-committal: "Let me see..."

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