Thug Life

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to steal something of little value
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to pinch
I pinched a couple of sweets from the jar.
to steal
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to nick
That bastard nicked my wallet.
the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin
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I'm going to smash your face!
a feeble person
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Mark is a jellyfish so he won't be able to do twenty push ups.
an informer or spy, esp one working for the police
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Don't tell him too much, the streets are saying he's a nark.
to break silence, to divulge something
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to cough
I hope Patrick won't cough in court today.
hearing or interrogation
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John is at a quiz at the police station.
+31 Datenblatt
Die Lektion ist Teil des Kurses
"Der britische Slang"
(Insgesamt 599 Datenblatt)

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