Top 500 Latvian verbs 101 - 150

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to employ
Our company employs only three people.
Lernen beginnen
Mūsu uzņēmums nodarbina tikai trīs darbiniekus.
to move
Stop moving, I'm trying to take a photo!
Lernen beginnen
Beidz kustēties, es mēģinu tevi nobildēt!
to desire
You have no idea how much I desire you.
Lernen beginnen
Jūs pat nevarat iedomāties cik ļoti es jūs iekāroju.
to receive
had good opinions
His first album was well received.
Lernen beginnen
Viņa pirmais albums saņēma daudz atbalsta.
to inform
Your sister informed me about your disease.
Lernen beginnen
Jūsu māsa informēja mani par jūsu slimību.
to face
You have to face your anguish.
Lernen beginnen
Jums ir jāuzveic satraukums.
to attract
Light attracts moths.
Lernen beginnen
Gaisma piesaista kodes.
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"Latvian Words: Top 500 Verbs"
(Insgesamt 500 Datenblatt)

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