Top 500 verbi inglesi 351-375

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Frage Antworten
La signora Rossi ha rifiutato la mia offerta di aiutarla con le buste della spesa.
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To refuse
Mrs Rossi refused my offer to help her with her shopping bags.
anche: sistemare
Disponi le stoviglie nella credenza.
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To arrange
also: organize
Arrange the dishes in the kitchen cabinets.
Condivido l'appartamento con due coinquilini italiani.
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To share
I share the flat with two Italian flatmates.
anche: trarre vantaggio da qualcosa
Ho approfittato delle vacanze per un fare un'escursione in montagna.
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To take advantage from
I took advantage of the holidays to have a mountains trip.
Non fissarti sui dettagli o perderai del tempo.
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To fixate on
Don't fixate on details or you will waste your time.
Non lanciare nulla fuori dalla finestra.
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To throw
Don't throw anything through the window.
Devo stirare la mia camicia preferita per il matrimonio.
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To iron
I need to iron my favourite shirt for the wedding.
+18 Datenblatt
Die Lektion ist Teil des Kurses
"Top 500 verbi inglesi"
(Insgesamt 499 Datenblatt)

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