unit 4 - definicje po ang

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Lernen beginnen
a company which is at least half-owned by another company
factory/ plant
Lernen beginnen
a large building or group of buldings where goods are made (using machinery)
call centre
Lernen beginnen
an office where people answer questions and make sales over the phone
service centre
Lernen beginnen
a place where faulty products are mended
Lernen beginnen
the main office or building of a company
distribution centre
Lernen beginnen
a building from which goods or supplies are sent to factories, shops or customers
Lernen beginnen
a building for storing goods in large quantities
Lernen beginnen
a place through which products are sold
Lernen beginnen
success in doing something
Lernen beginnen
important new plans to achieve an aim
Lernen beginnen
independence / freedom to make your own decisions
Lernen beginnen
giving people the power to do something
Lernen beginnen
teaching staff
a warehouse
Lernen beginnen
a place where supplies or finished products are stored
a parent company
Lernen beginnen
a company that owns or controls another company
Lernen beginnen
a person who calls you the boss is your...
Lernen beginnen
making contacts with potencial business partners

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