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pracownik biurowy, urzędnik
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I work as a clerk to support my family.
wykwalifikowany pracownik
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skilled worker
trained to do specific tasks
They are looking for a skilled worker with at least five years of experience.
niewykwalifikowany pracownik
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unskilled worker
doing a job that needs no training
opiekunka do dziecka
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babysitter / child-minder
przedstawiciel związku zawodowego
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union representative
employee of an organizatorom or company WHO represents and defends the interests of her/his fellow employees as a labour member; looks after the Staffa interests
Sławomir Broniarz is teachers union representative. He represents the teachers interests in disputes with the management in a factory.
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safety officer
Makes sure machines, e.g. are not dangerous to use
opiekunka do dziecka
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babysitter / child-minder
pracować na zmiany
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to work shifts / to do shift-work
My sister works shifts. I wouldn't work like that. I too exhausting for me.
wziąć rodzicielski
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to be on / takie maternity or paternity
Marzenka is on. She wilk back next year.
zostać zwolnionym z pracy
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to get the sack
thrown out of your job
Piotrek got the sack because of drinking alcohol in the office. If Monika don't work harder, she'll get the sack.
redukcja zatrudnienia
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be redundant
wziąć wcześniejszą emeryturę
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take early retirement
Her mom took early retirement. She retired when she was 50.
dostać awans
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to be promoted
to get a higher position
zostac zwolnionym
more formal than get the sack
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get fired
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a carpenter
pracownik fizyczny
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a blue collar worker / labourer
rzecznik prasowy
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public relations officer
What do you do for a living?
I'm in insurance.
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What do you do for a living?
It's hard to make a living as a cashier in Biedronka.
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It's hard to make a living as a cashier in Biedronka.
I work nine-to-five.
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I work nine-to-five.
I have regular day work.
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upadek moralny, degrengolada
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