world list 2

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biological diversity
The destruction of the rainforest means there is less biological diversity in the Amazon.
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biologiczna różnorodność
budget constraints
We can't afford a new photocopier because of the current budget constrains.
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ograniczenia budżetowe
completely thrown
I was completely thrown by his questions and didn't know what to say.
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całkowicie zaskoczony i zdezorientowany
die out
Dinosaurs died out about 65 milion years ago.
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She has so many facets to her personality.
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fail to take into account
we failed to take into account the difficulty of persuadinh people to adopt these measures.
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nie brać pod uwagę
fulfil your potential
If James fulfils his potential, he could become a professional actor.
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zrealizuj swój potencjał
have a detrimental effect
Smoking has a dertimental effect on your health.
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mieć szkodliwy wpływ
have limited prospects
Lack of education means that these young people have limited prospects.
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mają ograniczone możliwości
have a requisite skills
This training should give you the resquisite skills to do the job.
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posiadać wymagane umiejętności
hold your own
Elena can hold her own in any conversation on science.
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dawać sobie radę jak inni
The high winds warned us of the impending hurricane.
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nadchodzące wydarzenie najczęściej złe i nieprzyjemne
lack resources
We can't expand our business because we lack the financial resources.
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brak zasobów
language competence
I lacked the language competence to study German.
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zdolności językowe
Nie mam zdolności językowych do nauki niemieckiego
lose touch with your roots
Pierre has lived abroad for so long that he has lost touch with his roots.
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stracić kontakt ze swoimi korzeniami
make a concious decision
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podejmij świadomą decyzję
make a fool of yourself
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zrobić z siebie głupka
produce substantial savings
The new computer system should produce substantial savings.
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przynieść znaczne oszczędności
serve no useful purpose
Nobody ever uses the college coffee machine. It really serves no useful purpose.
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nie służą niczemu pożytecznemu
settle into the area
It took Pavel a while to settle into the area, but now he has a lot good friends here.
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przywyknąć do miejsca w którym się mieszka
shift away from
Many men are starting to shift away from these traditional roles.
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przestać używać czegoś lub przestać coś robić
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throughout the country
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na wskroś
take up
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podjąć, obejmować
regarded as
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uważany za
substantial meal
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Znaczny, obfity posiłek
agricultural sector
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sektor rolny
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zboża, uprawy
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zbiorowy, wspólny
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włączać, przyłączać
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pochodzić, powstawać
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due to
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z powodu, dzięki
so as to
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tak aby
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lokal, miejsce
get out of doing something
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uniknąć czegoś, wymigać się
get on well with sb
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dogadać się z kimś
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cel, zamiar lub obiektywny
owing to the fact that
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z powodu, ponieważ
due to sth
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z powodu czegoś

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