das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

kojarzyć Englisch:

1. to associate to associate

But conceptual subjects – ones based on abstract ideas rather than things – like maths, for example – it might not be so easy to associate ideas with picture
to associate the product with a healthly lifestyle

Englisch Wort "kojarzyć"(to associate) tritt in Sätzen auf:

What's a film without popcorn? (02.2020)
What's a film without popcorn? (02.2020)
What's a film without popcorn? (6.02.2019)
6 lekcja średnio zaawansowany cz 1
Life Vision Unit 5 - Making sense of food Intermed...

2. ring a bell

it doesn't ring a bell (with me)
Does the name xxx xxx ring a bell?

Englisch Wort "kojarzyć"(ring a bell) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Colloquial expressions 2