das Wörterbuch Russisch Minus Englisch

русский язык - English

устанавливать Englisch:

1. to install to install

Click here to install the programme.
You need to install the programme.

Englisch Wort "устанавливать"(to install) tritt in Sätzen auf:

4 слова Англ.яз

2. to establish

To be successful, you have to establish a good plan / I am going to establish a new world record for swimming / Disneyland was established in 1955
My friend plans to establish a company.
In order to establish an appropriate cost-benefit balance, costs must be reduced.

Englisch Wort "устанавливать"(to establish) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Academic wordlist 1

3. set set set

Englisch Wort "устанавливать"(set set set) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Past Simple irregular verbs
Past Simple Spotlight 9