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all along
Lernen beginnen
from the beginning
all but
Lernen beginnen
nearly, almost
all in
Lernen beginnen
all in all
Lernen beginnen
when everything is considered.
all the same
Lernen beginnen
yet, however, wszystko jedno, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
all told
Lernen beginnen
altogether, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
be the apple of sb’s eye
Lernen beginnen
to be very precious to somebody
be up in arms
Lernen beginnen
to be very angry.
for all
Lernen beginnen
in spite of
for all I care
Lernen beginnen
I don't care
for all I know
Lernen beginnen
as far as I know
in the act of
Lernen beginnen
while performing the act
in the air
Lernen beginnen
(1) uncertain, (2) spreading about
make allowances for
Lernen beginnen
brać na coś poprawkę
make amends for
Lernen beginnen
wynagrodzić coś
of all people
Lernen beginnen
more than anyone else
on account of
Lernen beginnen
because of
on no account
Lernen beginnen
under/in no circumstances
on the air
Lernen beginnen
on the alert
Lernen beginnen
watchful and prepared
take into account
Lernen beginnen
consider sth
on this/that account
Lernen beginnen
for this/that reason
whet sb’s appetite
Lernen beginnen
to make sb eager to have/ experience more

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