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chcę powiedzieć, że
Lernen beginnen
What I mean is that
What I mean is that it is not going to be easy.
to znaczy
Lernen beginnen
I mean (to say)
His approach is inappropriate, I mean (to say) it lacks theoretical basis.
chodzi mi o to, że
Lernen beginnen
What I am getting at is (that)
What I am getting at is (that) you are not being realistic.
chodzi mi o to, że
Lernen beginnen
The point is (that)
The point is (that) I just cannot agree.
inaczej mówiąc
Lernen beginnen
In other words
In other word, the software is full of bugs.
to znaczy, czyli
Lernen beginnen
That is to say
Sociolinguistics, that is to say the study of a language in a society is often underestimated.
wyrażać się jasno
Lernen beginnen
Make oneself clear
I will make myself clear.
ujmę to w ten sposób
Lernen beginnen
I will put it this way
I will put it this way, If you want to succeed you have to concentrate on your goals.

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