29th July

 0    17 Datenblatt    suyashaag92
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I could
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if we had a chance to meet
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gdybyśmy mieli okazję się spotkać
i have to get back to real life
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muszę wrócić do prawdziwego życia
it means to get an advantage
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if we modify our marketing approach, we can get some real leverage over our competitors
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jeśli zmodyfikujemy nasze podejście marketingowe, możemy uzyskać pewną rzeczywistą dźwignię nad naszymi konkurentami
Ramifications- instead of consequences
problem Vs complication
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Konsekwencje - zamiast konsekwencji
A bad consequence is when something negative happens as a result
consequence will really have a negative feeling with it
of something else and that word
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Złą konsekwencją jest to, że w rezultacie dzieje się coś negatywnego
if your team is talking about how to
about the pro’s and cons ad what are some of the possible Ramifications
modify a marketing approch you definitely need to think
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jeśli twój zespół mówi o tym, jak to zrobić
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Im really confused
thats a perplexing situation
that’s perplexing
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Jestem bardzo zmieszany
im perplexed
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jestem zakłopotany
this project is straightforward
like this project is really easy you could say
instead of saying easy
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ten projekt jest prosty
maybe you are working with a new client and you know
they are going to be wonderful and easy
working with this client is going to be really straightforward
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może pracujesz z nowym klientem i wiesz
such as
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jak na przykład
for instance
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na przykład
brake/ hit the brakes
stop the car
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hamować / uderzać w hamulce
run a red light
yesterday i was driving i ran a red light and then i hit the brakes
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Uruchom czerwone światło

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