3rd July 2014

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na całym świecie
Lernen beginnen
all over the globe
rozmawiać z kimś
Lernen beginnen
to speak to sb BrE/ to speak with sb AmE
młotek ciesielski
Lernen beginnen
claw hammer
is a tool primarily used for pounding nails into, or extracting nails from, some other object.
Lernen beginnen
to pound
Green pounded his fist on the counter. She ran, her heart pounding in her chest.
sala aukcyjna
Lernen beginnen
auction room
młot pneumatyczny
Lernen beginnen
pneumatic drill, AmE jackhammer
a large powerful tool worked by air pressure and used for breaking up hard materials, especially road surfaces
młotek drewniany
Lernen beginnen
a wooden hammer with a large end; a wooden hammer with a long handle that you use for playing croquet or polo
szpikulec do lodu
Lernen beginnen
a sharp tool used for cutting or breaking ice
młotek sędziego
Lernen beginnen
a small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, court of law, auction etc hits ON a table in order to get people's attention
sklep z frytkami i rybą
Lernen beginnen
chippie, chip shop
a shop that cooks and sells fish and chips and other fried food
plaga, zmora, utrapienie; ciężko doświadczać, nękać (kogoś)
Lernen beginnen
(to) scourge
the scourge of unemployment
bicz, biczować
Lernen beginnen
(to) scourge
a whip used to punish people in the past
Lernen beginnen
autodidact, self-taught
A self-taught person
Tom didn't do particularly well in school because of problems with attention disorder, hyperactivity, and even a streak of mischievousness. Instead, he became an autodidact, using his intense interest in reading to educate himself.
Lernen beginnen
So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.
za darmo
Lernen beginnen
pro bono
used to describe work that someone, especially a lawyer, does without getting paid
intensywny kurs
Lernen beginnen
a one-week intensive course in English
daj z siebie wszystko
Lernen beginnen
Answer/ do it to the best of your ability
He completed the job to the best of his ability.
wnikliwa analiza
Lernen beginnen
an insightful analysis
Lernen beginnen
I took my foot off the clutch.
jasny, jaskrawy, lśniący, olśniewający, iskrzący się (np. kolor, światło, diament)
olśniewająca biel
Lernen beginnen
She was dressed in brilliant white.
słoneczny, pogodny (np. dzień, pogoda)
Lernen beginnen
if the weather is bright, the sun is shining and there is a lot of light [≠ dull
jasne, jaskrawe
Lernen beginnen
brilliant / bright light
She closed her eyes against the brilliant light.
Lernen beginnen
bright, violent
Her cheeks turned a violent red colour.
nie zrozum mnie źle
Lernen beginnen
don't misunderstand me
poznać kogoś
Lernen beginnen
to get to know sb
Lernen beginnen
to undo
undo your jacket/shirt/bra
mieć wątpliwości
Lernen beginnen
to have second thoughts about sth
wujek sam
Lernen beginnen
uncle SAM
the US, or the US government, sometimes represented by the figure of a man with a white beard and tall hat
na chrzcinach
Lernen beginnen
at a baptism ceremony
Lernen beginnen
Barbados, capital: Bridgetown
an island in the Caribbean Sea which is an independent state
miejsce na nogi
Lernen beginnen
w promocji
Lernen beginnen
chudy (o mięsie)
Lernen beginnen
Lean minced beef is on offer this week.
zmierzać do
Lernen beginnen
It's about time we were heading home.
Lernen beginnen
to stow away = to stash
podróżować na gapę
Lernen beginnen
travel stowaways
said to show that you are surprised or that you think something is impressive
Lernen beginnen
wepchnąć, schować
Lernen beginnen
to stash (sth away)
He has money stashed away in the Bahamas.
stash in/under
wysyłać (np. depeszę), ekspediować (kogoś gdzieś)
Lernen beginnen
to dispatch
opuścić kotwicę
Lernen beginnen
drop anchor
We dropped anchor a few yards offshore.
Lernen beginnen
cloudy, overcast
The sky was overcast and a light rain began to fall.
pada grad
Lernen beginnen
It's windy and hailing outside.
wysoka grzywna
Lernen beginnen
heavy/hefty fine (=a large fine)
a hefty amount of something, especially money, is very large/ a hefty blow, kick etc is done using a lot of force
duży mężczyzna
Lernen beginnen
a tall, hefty man
sexually attracted to both men and women
Lernen beginnen
AC/DC (person)
o cywilizowanej godzinie
Lernen beginnen
at a civilized hour
daleki lot
Lernen beginnen
long-haul flight
zwinąć się w kłębek
Lernen beginnen
to curl up
wsiadać do samolotu
Lernen beginnen
to board (a plane)
Lernen beginnen
umbrella, brolly
zadowolony z siebie, pełen samozadowolenia
Lernen beginnen
spodziewać się, oczekiwać, przewidywać
Lernen beginnen
to anticipate
The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.
typowy problem
Lernen beginnen
It is a very classic conundrum
Lernen beginnen
Sounds like a jolly good idea to me. It was all jolly good fun.
bardzo mały
Lernen beginnen
minuscule = minute
a minuscule amount of food
Lernen beginnen
likely to cause arguments or make people angry

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