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Frage English Antworten English
to want something, or want to do something
I __ some chocolate. Jane__ crying. (mieć na coś ochotę)
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feel like
I feel like some chocolate. Jane felt like crying.
as if
It sounds as if it's raining.
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as though / like
It sounds as though / like it's raining.
Ta tkanina jest jak jedwab, prawda?
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This material feels like silk - is it?
(Because) it was raining, we didn't go out.
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As it was raining, we didn't go out.
We can use as to give a reason (as = because) - I got to the airport really quickly as there was hardly any traffic
(When / at the same time) they were leaving the postman arrived.
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Ast hey were leaving the postman arrived
We can use 'as' to say that something happened while something else was happening - As he was driving home it started to rain.
Wygląda jakby miało zaraz zacząć sypać śniegiem.
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It looks as if it's going to snow.
We can use 'as' to talk about how something appears, sounds, feels - The picture looks as if it has been painted by a child.
Ona jest tak wysoka jak ja teraz
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She's as tall as me now.
We can use 'as' to compare people or things - I don't think his performance in this series was as good as in the last one.
Ona pracuje jako pielęgniarka.
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She works as a nurse.
We can use 'as' to describe somebody or something's job or function - You can use that box as a chair.
repeated too often to be interesting or funny
oklepany żart
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a corny joke
dobry w czymś, zły w czymś, znakomity w czymś
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good at sth, excellent at sth, bad at sth
to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible
This money has __ me __ buy a new computer (umożliwić)
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enable (to do sth)
This money has enabled me to buy a new computer.
Nie zauważyłem cię na party.
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I didn't spot you at the party.
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policzek - cheek
marszczyć się, miąć
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to wrinkle
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comb (silent b)
krem przeciwzmarszkowy
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anti-wrinkle cream
główny podejrzany
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prime suspect (także major suspect)
wiarygodne dowode
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credible evidence
honest, not pretending
On wydaje się być wiarygodny
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sincere [sinsier]
He seems to be sincere (opposite = insincere)
nie zaprzestawać, konsekwentnie kontynować
They're determined to __ with their plans despite opposition.
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press on
They're determined to press on with their plans despite opposition.
to see something happen, especially an accident or crime
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to witness
to believe that someone has a particular quality, thought to be responsible for
Joe Navarro is __ catching many criminals in his 25-year career with the FBI.
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credit sb with sth
Joe Navarro is credited with catching many criminals in his 25-year career with the FBI.
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to decipher [disajfer]
succeed in getting
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to achieve
join together, łączyć się
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to combine
do przodu
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We often add the suffix 'wards' to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards
do tyłu
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We often add the suffix 'wards' to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards
do środka
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We often add the suffix 'wards' to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards
na zewnątrz
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We often add the suffix 'wards' to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards
w górę
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We often add the suffix 'wards' to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards
w dół
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We often add the suffix 'wards' to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards
the place at a theatre or cinema where tickets are sold
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box office
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powieki - eyelids

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