8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for - 03.10.2022

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Frage English Antworten English
an HR professional
Lernen beginnen
a person who specializes in Human Resources Management
it matters
Lernen beginnen
it is important
measure this stuff
Lernen beginnen
see how big or small these things are
help you adapt
Lernen beginnen
help you change your behavior to suit the new conditions
employees are adults
Lernen beginnen
workers are fully-grown people
follow the rules
Lernen beginnen
obey the regulations
ask for permission
Lernen beginnen
ask to be allowed to do something
move on
Lernen beginnen
go to another thing after finishing the first one
(something) hurts both of us
Lernen beginnen
something causes harm to both of us
many guidelines
Lernen beginnen
many instructions about the best way to do something
have obligations
Lernen beginnen
have things you have to do because you are frsponsible for them
the assumption that
Lernen beginnen
the thought thet something is true
you spread (something)
Lernen beginnen
you share something
constantly teach each other
Lernen beginnen
teach one another all the time
achieving the same thing
Lernen beginnen
reaching the same goal

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