A07 16.02.2017

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Lernen beginnen
ankieta, badanie opinii
a few
I have a few questions.
Lernen beginnen
schedule = attange = set up = fix the meeting
John scheduled the meeting on Tuesday.
Lernen beginnen
umówić spotkanie
to discuss
We must discuss these two points.
Lernen beginnen
in favour of
I'm in favour of your proposal.
Lernen beginnen
to follow up on
I'm writing to follow up on the issue of unpaid invoice / dissatisfied clients.
Lernen beginnen
kontynuować coś
to take place
English course takes place in the bunker.
Lernen beginnen
mieć miejsce
meeting adjourned
Lernen beginnen
"spotkanie zakończone"
We have few workers for this project.
Lernen beginnen
for a while
I'm going out for a while.
Lernen beginnen
na chwilę
to tackle the problem = to solve the problem
I will tackle this problem tomorrow.
Lernen beginnen
rozwiązać problem

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