advanced language practise - unit 15

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Lernen beginnen
shy, ashamed, or guilty about sth
reluctant to
Lernen beginnen
unwilling to do sth and hesistate before doing it
Lernen beginnen
a particular quality, characteristic, or tendency that someone or sth has
Lernen beginnen
very careful to do your work properly
resign yourself yo
Lernen beginnen
accept sth becaude you realize you cannot change it
the faintest notion
Lernen beginnen
you have no idea what to do
Lernen beginnen
to remember sth
Lernen beginnen
be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind
remind you of sth sb
Lernen beginnen
to be similar to
Lernen beginnen
a substance that makes you unable to feel pain
Lernen beginnen
sth that makes someone who is sad or disappoint feel better
feel for sth
Lernen beginnen
a natural understanding or ability, esp in a subject or activity
Lernen beginnen
plead ingonarnce
Lernen beginnen
to say that you dont know about sth
think highly of someone
Lernen beginnen
have a very high opinion of someone
Lernen beginnen
disapprove of
Lernen beginnen
to say sth
Lernen beginnen
feel bitter about
Lernen beginnen
feel a strong dislike for
Lernen beginnen
grieve for
Lernen beginnen
strongly criticize
have a spot of bother
Lernen beginnen
a problem
bright spot
Lernen beginnen
the only good thing about sth
keep mind on sth
Lernen beginnen
to focus on sth
cast your mind back
Lernen beginnen
to try to remeber
Lernen beginnen
costing too much
lurch from side to side
Lernen beginnen
move from right to left and from left to right
for dear life
Lernen beginnen
to do sth with as much efford as possible, usu to avoid danger
have a hand in sth
Lernen beginnen
to be involved with sth
Lernen beginnen
-to feel upset - to feel a strong unpleasant feeling of worry, disguist or fear - liquid moves around violently

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