Aneks III, Zębala

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Frage English Antworten English
(could) do with sth
Lernen beginnen
to need or want sth
(not) come out well
Lernen beginnen
(not) to look well in a photograph
(not) to hold with sth
Lernen beginnen
(not) agree with sth, (not) approve of sth
to catch sb out
Lernen beginnen
discover sb doing sth wrong (podpuścić kogoś, wywieść w pole, zagiąć)
to (be) cut out to be sb / for sth
Lernen beginnen
to have suitable features for a job, task etc.
to (get) carried away
Lernen beginnen
to get too excited to control oneself
to be in for
Lernen beginnen
to be involved; być o krok od doznania czegoś nieprzyjemnego, np. He'll be in for a shock when he gets the bill.
to be over
Lernen beginnen
to finish
to be taken aback
Lernen beginnen
to be completly suprised
to be up to sb
Lernen beginnen
to be left for sb to decided; zależeć od kogoś
to be worn out
Lernen beginnen
to be very tired
to break down
Lernen beginnen
to stop working properly
to break down sth
Lernen beginnen
to organise figures, numbers, datas; to use force to crush, demolish or knock it down; to divide into separate parts and analyse it
to break in
Lernen beginnen
new shoes, a horse - rozchodzić
to break in on sth
Lernen beginnen
to interrupt
to break into sth
Lernen beginnen
to enter a house, a bank etc. without permission
to break out
Lernen beginnen
of war, disease - to begin
to break through in sth
Lernen beginnen
to discover sth important
to break up (with sb)
Lernen beginnen
to end, terminate a relationship
to break up for
Lernen beginnen
for a period of time
to bring down sb
Lernen beginnen
to topple sb; obalić coś (np. rząd); powalić kogoś na ziemię, przewrócić kogoś na ziemię
to bring in sth
Lernen beginnen
to be the source of income or profit
to bring on sth / to bring sth on
Lernen beginnen
to cause sth unplesant or dangerous; wywołać coś
to bring sb round
Lernen beginnen
to help sb regain consciousness
to bring sb round to sth
Lernen beginnen
to persuade sb to accept an idea
to bring sth about
Lernen beginnen
to cause; spowodować coś, doprowadzić do czegoś, np. It can bring about serious consequences.
to bring sth out
Lernen beginnen
to produce, to make visible
to bring sth up
Lernen beginnen
to suggest a subject for discussion = podnieść coś, poruszyć coś, napomykać coś (np. temat, problem);
to bring sb up
Lernen beginnen
to raise; wychowywać, np. She was brought up by her aunt.
to call for sth
Lernen beginnen
to deserve; to require them, to collect or fetch them.
to call sb in
Lernen beginnen
to ask sb to help a deal with a difficult situation
to call on sb/sth
Lernen beginnen
to demand (żądać); call on sb - wpaść do kogoś z wizytą
to call sth off
Lernen beginnen
to cancel
to call sth/sb up
Lernen beginnen
STH: To cause (memories, images, etc) to come into the mind; To retrieve (data) from a computer. Example: She called up the file in order to print it out SB: To conscript them into the armed forces; also call-up - to telephone them.
to carry on with sth
Lernen beginnen
to continue
to carry out sth
Lernen beginnen
to conduct research; przeprowadzić coś, zrealizować coś; wprowadzić coś w życie (np. plan); spełnić coś, spełniać coś (np. obietnicę)
to carry sth off
Lernen beginnen
to succeed in sth, to complete sth well
to carry sth through
Lernen beginnen
to complete sth despite difficulties
to catch on
Lernen beginnen
to gain popularity
to catch up with sth/sb
Lernen beginnen
dogonić kogoś, osiągnąć czyjś poziom, np. John had to catch up with his classmates after an illness.
to come across sth/sb
Lernen beginnen
natknąć się na coś, napotkać na coś, spotkać kogoś przypadkiem; to find
to come by sth
Lernen beginnen
to acquire = nabyć; zdobywać coś (co jest trudne do zdobycia); wpaść gdzieś, wpaść do jakiegoś miejsca (np. przejazdem)
to come off
Lernen beginnen
1. medicine - to stop taking it 2. of stains - to dissapear (pozbyć się plam)
to come out
Lernen beginnen
of a book = to be published
to come up against sth
Lernen beginnen
to encounter, esp problems; napotykać na jakieś trudnosci, zmagać się z jakimiś problemami
to come up to
Lernen beginnen
sb's expectations - to meet sb's expectations; spełniać coś (np. oczekiwania); sb - podejść do kogoś bliżej
to come up with
Lernen beginnen
to produce an answer or an idea
to cut down on
Lernen beginnen
to reduce
to cut in
Lernen beginnen
to interrupt a conversation
to cut in on sb
Lernen beginnen
zajechać drogę samochodem
to cut off sth
Lernen beginnen
to stop supplying sth, e.g. gas, electricity
to cut sth out from sth
Lernen beginnen
to delete, e.g. a passage from a book
to cut up sth
Lernen beginnen
to divide into smaller parts
to dawn on sb
Lernen beginnen
to make sb aware of sth; uświadomić
to do away with
Lernen beginnen
to get rid of = pozbyć się
to do sb down
Lernen beginnen
to chead sb, to treat sb unfairly
to do up sth
Lernen beginnen
to repair or clean, e.g. a room; to fasten = zapiąć coś
to do without
Lernen beginnen
to manage without someone or sth
to draw sb out
Lernen beginnen
to encourage a shy person to be more confident
to draw up
Lernen beginnen
of cars - to arrive somewhere and stop; podjeżdżać, podjechać (np. pod bramę)
to fall apart
Lernen beginnen
to break into pieces
to fall back on
Lernen beginnen
to use sth in a times of diffilulty if there is no other choice; to depend on something after a loss or failure, for example: I fell back on skills I had learned years ago when I had to earn a living for myself.
to fall behind
Lernen beginnen
not to do sth by a particular time
to fall for sb
Lernen beginnen
to fall in love with sb
to fall for sth
Lernen beginnen
to be deceived by sth; dać się na cos nabrać, zostać oszukanym
to fall in
Lernen beginnen
to collapse
to fall in with sth
Lernen beginnen
to match, to correspond with sth, to agree with sth; zgadzać się z czymś, akceptować coś
to fall into
Lernen beginnen
a category - to belong to it; paść w coś, wpaść w coś (np. w ramiona); rozpoczynać coś
to fall on/upon sb
Lernen beginnen
to attack sb
to fall out with sb
Lernen beginnen
to have an argument with somebody and stop being on friendly terms; pokłócić się z kimś

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