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small masses in throat
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Know for sure
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upewnij się
Sign on your doors
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tytuł na twoich drzwiach
Out of your way at the minute
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schodzę ci z drogi w tej chwili
Try to hold still
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nie ruszaj się
Sounds disappointed
disappointed - sad
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brzmisz jak rozczarowana
Pretty unlikely
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mało prawdopodobne
What do you care on?
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na czym ci zależy?
Lunch is out of question
out of question - event cannot possibly happen
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nie dam rady pójść na lunch
Provisional license
provisional - temporary
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licencja tymczasowa
It is a bit fast
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trochę za szybko
Seem far away from each other
far away - lying at a great distance
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wydają się daleko położone od siebie
Needs to be there by 5
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muszę być przez 5
Work up with business
work up - produce sth by activity
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przepracuj to z biznesem
What flowers are you getting?
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jakie kwiaty dostajesz?
Tend to happen
tend - regularly
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zwykle się zdarza
curative - able to cure disease
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How long will my recovery take?
recovery - a return to normal state
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jak długo potrwa mój powrót do zdrowia?
Chaos follows me everywhere
chaos - complete disorder
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chaos mnie prześladuje
Now and then
Now and than - from time to time
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od czasu do czasu
Giving a hard time
Giving a hard time - criticise or annoy someone
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Throwing insults
insult - speaking with disrespectful
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Glad you are doing better
Glad - feeling happiness
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Cieszę się, że radzisz sobie lepiej
double-dipped - obtain an income in an illegal way.
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dochód nielegalny
I have known him since
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znam go od
Ups and downs
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wzloty I upadki
Leg is still swollen
swollen - larger
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noga jest opuchnięta
She is messing with us
mess with sb - treat in a bad way
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ona igra z nami
I worked in PL for a while
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przez jakiś czas pracowałem w PL
Interpreted as lack of support
interpreted - understand as
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rozumiane jako brak wsparcia
Pooled 12 people
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łącznie 12 osób
Soon to have no jon
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wkrótce nie będę miał jonu
Such a positive outlook
outlook - point of view
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co za pozytywne nastawienie
Violation of protocol
Violation - action of violating
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naruszenie protokołu
Sorry for a overstep
overstep - exceed limit
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przepraszam za naruszenie
Want to weigh in?
weigh in - involved in discussion in a forceful way
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chcesz się zaangażować w dyskusję?
Very best of hands
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najlepszy specjalista
Feel dishonest
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Pinch yourself
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uszczypnij się
Adopt to things
adopt - choose to follow/use
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Adoptuj się
See what others think first
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Zobacz najpierw, co myślą inni
Get change her mind
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zmień jej zdanie
Mail them out
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wyślij pocztę
Get a damn coffee maker
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kup ten cholerny ekspres do kawy
Make it work
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napraw to
Somebody is in good mood
mood - state of mind
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Ktoś jej tutaj w dobrym nastroju
Seems eager to upgrade
eager - strongly wanting
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Wydaje się chętny do aktualizacji
We have a large selection of window treatments
treatment - manner to deal with sth
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Posiadamy duży wybór rozwiązań(zabiegów/podejść) okiennych
Cuts will come
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cięcia nadejdą
Tossing and turning all night
toss - move from side to side
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kręcąc się i obracając całą noc
Totally bloated and need to fart
bloated - swollen with gas
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Całkowicie wzdęty i muszę pierdnąć
I’m all for being real but not that
being real - being honest about everything
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jestem w pełni szczery ale nie pod tym względem
Drop a deuce
deuce - to take a shit
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idź na dwójkę
Get to help him
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pomóż mu
Make her seizures even worse
seizures - a sudden attack of illness
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to może pogorszyć jej napady padaczkowe

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