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always bridesmaid, never bride
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said about someone who is never the most important person in a situation
party pooper
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a person who dislikes or refuses to participate in social events
it's your funeral
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something that you say that means that if someone suffers bad results from their actions, it will be that person's fault, not yours
make a killing
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to have a great success, especially in making money
tie the knot
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to get married, to get hitched
pop the question
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to ask someone to marry you, to propose
have a crush on someone
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a feeling of love and admiration for someone, often when you know you can't be together
head over heels
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to be in love with somebody very much
on the rocks
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used to talk about problems in a relationship
blinded by love
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when a person is so madly in love with somebody that they can't see the person's negative side
to wear your heart on your sleeve
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show other people how you are feeling; to be transparent
to have eyes only for
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to be attracted to one person only, ignoring everyone else
to have a soft spot for someone
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to have weakness for someone
to have a stormy relationship
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a relationship with many arguments
a match made in heaven
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two people who are extremely compatible and will have a great life together
to take one's breath away
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when you are so in love with that person that you find it difficult to breathe
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a couple who shows everyone how much they are in love

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