Business Legal English 7th of December

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Frage Antworten
ubiegać się o nakaz sądowy przeciwko komuś
Lernen beginnen
seek an injunction against someone
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turn (a common law requirement or practice) into law.
luka prawna
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an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules
it makes sense-
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it holds water
compel smb to so sth
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1) force smb to do something; 2) demand
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1) person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject:
2) *non-ordained member of a Church
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1) Make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on
2) Order (something) officially
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1) (Of an argument or account) unable to be disputed or questioned:
2) without having loopholes
zostać w posiadaniu
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retain possesion of sth
premises of a company
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house/building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context:
pakt z diabłem
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covenant with devil
convenant (v.)
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Undertake to give (a sum of money) regularly to charity by means of a covenant:
'the company have covenanted £1,000 a year to the Law Library'
convenant (n.)
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1) clause in agreement, PLEDGE to do /not to do sth in return for which smb gets remuneration
2) formal agreement, contract, or promise in writing, especially one undertaking to make regular payments to a charity
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Money paid for work or a service:
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commence work
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begin work
wypowiedzenie umowy
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termination of employment = ending
sąd najwyższy
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High Court
obraza sądu
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contempt of court
contempt of court
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the offence of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers: OFFENDING
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1) a person who is sued. A party against whom a petition is filed, especially one in an appeal or a divorce case. 3) a person/ insitution against whom a legal action is taken
wydział ławy sądu królewskiego
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queen's bench division
the acts SET OUT
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The acts LISTED
zająć mienie
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seize the assets
mienie może zostać zajęte
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your assets may be seized
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financial punishment
set aside
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= disclosure; Make known (private or sensitive information):
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specialist lg used in proffesional relation
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has a right to / has a permission to
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have an ability to
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court orders requiring a party to do or refrain from doing sth
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Stop oneself from doing something: (powstrzymać od)
prohibitory injunction
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prohibits a party from doing sth

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