Business Result Advanced 3

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the fact of being frequently away from work, especially without good reasons
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to be able to get, see or use sth
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to provide what a particular person or group needs
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accommodate needs
to successfully produce or cause sth good
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achieve results
done for enjoyment, not for money as a job
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to expect things to go wrong or be difficult
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anticipate problems
to make a judgement about how much sth has improved or developed
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assess progress
a strong feeling of not liking sb/sth
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aversion to
to put pressure on sb by repeatedly asking them questions or asking them to do sth
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badger someone
the least possible; just enough
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bare minimum
the action of travelling regularly by bus, train, car, etc. from your home to your place of work
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a problem, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance
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exciting and full of energy or changes
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producing the result that is wanted or intended; producing a successful result
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a particular period of time that is different from other periods
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to make it possible or easier for things to change
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facilitate change
a different aspect of a situation, especially one that is less welcome
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the process of joining two or more things together to become one
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to make people feel enthusiastic (excited and interested in sth)
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generate enthusiasm
to cause sth to happen or exist
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give rise to
to happen in the way that was intended or planned
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go according to plan
to start to use or act according to sth that has been decided
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new plans for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose
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a way of achieving or doing sth
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to judge how much success has been achieved
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measure success
something that you can choose to have or do
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the usual or correct way of doing sth
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a clear intention or aim that sth is supposed to achieve
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to make sth ready to work or be used
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put in place
opposing sth and trying to stop it happening
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resistant to
without any difficulties or delays between one stage and the next
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causing itself to continue in the same bad way
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used to emphasize how large, great etc. sth is
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involving the use of natural products in a way that can be continued for a long time without using them all up
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feelings of unhappiness and unfriendliness or lack of trust between people
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to completely change sth
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