Cruel Kings and Mean Queens

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grotty kings
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Grotty Kings
monarchs of the murky past
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panovníci temné minulosti
he told fibs
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řekl vláknům
cricket stumps
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kriketové pařezy
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the lead coffin started to bulge
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olověná rakev se začala vydouvat
prim and proper queen
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prima a správná královna
he jangled the change in his hand
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zaťukal změnu ve své ruce
a deer trotted down the path
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jelen klusal dolů
blood spurted
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vytryskla krev
maby lampreys - eels
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maby lampreys - úhoři
famous rolay story
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slavný rolay příběh
it bucks and heaves like a wild horse
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vzpíná se a zvedá se jako divoký kůň
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twitchy Richy
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škubnutí Richy
dodgy historian
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pochybný historik
even monks tell fibs
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dokonce i mniši říkají vláknům
they pelted her with mud and rubbish
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zasypali ji blátem a odpadky
the lion slunk away
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lev sklouzl pryč
a mechanical catapult was hurled at Ed
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hodil se mechanický katapult
pop-eyed prince
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pop-eyed princ
they smothered the king
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udusili krále
one was dumpy and fat
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jeden byl zavalitý a tlustý
Edward III, the ruler of France, set square of England
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Edward III, vládce Francie, postavil náměstí Anglie
letting his nose dribble over the pages
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nechal jeho nos driblovat po stránkách
stalks of straw
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stonky slámy
eating fruit and cheese or drinking while reading and allowing it to slop on the pages
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jíst ovoce a sýr nebo pít při čtení a nechat to lákat na stránkách
the only mucky monarch
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jediný zlověstný monarcha
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his reign was filled with squabbles
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jeho vláda byla plná hádek
shoes that curled up
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zvlněné boty
his father clinging on to life
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jeho otec lpí na životě
pigeons pecking at the bottoms of his feet
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holubi klování na dně jeho nohou
to while away the long years
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na chvíli pryč dlouhé roky
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wrung its neck
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vymrštil krk
a bit of a wimp
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trochu slaboch
snivelling king
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snivý král
bairns should weep
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Bairns by měli plakat
let's make no bones about it
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nedělejme z toho kosti
1 grisly Tale
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1 příšerný příběh
Eddie had bolted his door
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Eddie zavřel dveře
he tried the door latch
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zkusil západku dveří
it started yapping
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začalo to štěkat
he was weak and sickly
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byl slabý a neduživý
these included portions of rhubarb and senna
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tito zahrnovali porce rebarbory a senny
1 dead dog joke
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1 vtip mrtvého psa
she had a few flings
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měla několik ran
she had a few Close shaves
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měla několik oholení na blízko
a tuft of his hair
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chomáč jeho vlasů
slobbering mouth
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slintající ústa
Alex started larking about
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Alex začal čumět
James finally managed to splutter
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Jamesovi se konečně podařilo prskat
he squirmed
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he was grabbed and quickly put to death
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byl popadnut a rychle usmrcen
he whinged
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the king didn't want to shiver and look chicken
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král se nechtěl třást a vypadat kuře
he took a crumpled piece of paper
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vzal zmačkaný kus papíru
he shocked friends at the dinner table by using it as a salt Cellar
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šokoval přátele u jídelního stolu tím, že jej použil jako solný sklep
he acted as a stand-in at the wedding
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na svatbě se choval jako záskok
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hradní příkop
clumsy clots
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neohrabané sraženiny
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his horse reared up
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jeho kůň se vzchopil
she didn't fall off, well not that time, but she did fall in
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nespadla, ale tentokrát ne, ale spadla dovnitř
she fell in love
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zamilovala se
she developed gout
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vyvinula se dna
ropes and pulleys had to be used to haul him upstairs
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k jeho vytažení nahoru bylo třeba použít lana a kladky
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he was jerked back
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byl hlupák zpět
so that made up for it
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takže to vynahradilo
the bustle of London
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shon Londýna
the nose that tilted upwards
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nos, který se naklonil nahoru
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he died of the strain on his heart
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zemřel na napětí v srdci
not to mention dropsy
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nemluvě o vodnatosti
Elizabeth likes corgis
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Elizabeth má ráda corgis
he could dish out the injury
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mohl si ujasnit zranění
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marking a whooping 65 years on the throne
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označujících černých 65 let na trůn

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