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I remember my first ....... with a smartphone. I had no idea how to start with it.
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I remember my first encounter with a smartphone. I had no idea how to start with it.
- to come upon or meet with, especially unexpectedly
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encounter - to come upon or meet with, especially unexpectedly: to encounter a new situation.
gluten a protein found in ....... and some other grains
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gluten a protein found in wheat and some other grains
The definition of a ........ is a structure that contains the embryo of a plant.
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Seed - The definition of a seed is a structure that contains the embryo of a plant. An almond is one type of seed.
The definition of a ...... is a tiny hard seed from a cereal grass, or a tiny piece of amount of something.
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The definition of a grain is a tiny hard seed from a cereal grass, or a tiny piece of amount of something.
...- grass whose starchy grains are used as food
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cereal grass
grass whose starchy grains are used as food
........ - not having enough to eat or enough of the food you need to keep you in good health
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malnourished not having enough to eat or enough of the food you need to keep you in good health
For roughly the first month of life the immune system is switched off ........
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in essence
For roughly the first month of life the immune system is switched off in essence and everything they [babies] get exposed to in that first month in life
... - all the organs inside your body, especially the ones in the stomach area
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Guts - all the organs inside your body, especially the ones in the stomach area
And through exposure to lots of things in our environment young babies meet different bacteria for the first time which colonise – or live and grow in – their ......
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An injection of adrenalin can be used to treat anaphylaxis – or severe allergic reactions – to insect ......., foods, drugs, and other allergens.
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An injection of adrenalin can be used to treat anaphylaxis – or severe allergic reactions – to insect stings, foods, drugs, and other allergens.
... - essentially; fundamentally
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in essence
......- very interested in something
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intrigued very interested in something
being quick to notice things going on around you
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alert being quick to notice things going on around you
I ........ in the mornings, have a shower, and get changed.
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I sneak in the mornings, have a shower, and get changed.
I'm .......
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I'm flattered by your offer, but I can't leave the twins. I'm flattered but I doubt I can be much help.
Somebody might ....... your phone
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Somebody might snatch your phone – snatch means to take something quickly
hey make one or more stops on the way to work or going home – for example to ...... or pick up the kids from school
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drop off
hey make one or more stops on the way to work or going home – for example to drop off or pick up the kids from school
To ... is to take something or someone to a specific destination and leave it there.
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drop off
To drop off is to take something or someone to a specific destination and leave it there.
Let's face it – travelling by car or by public transport can be really........!
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The definition of miserable is someone or something that is unhappy, suffering or in a condition of misery, or something that is bad or inferior.
The definition of ...... is someone or something that is not very good, that is not as good as something else, or that is of lower quality.
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The definition of inferior is someone or something that is not very good, that is not as good as something else, or that is of lower quality.
I don't want her to feel ........
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I don't want her to feel inferior. He knew that she looked down upon him as an inferior being.
Poverty and ........ will continue to rise if you do not opt for a different value system.
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Poverty and misery will continue to rise if you do not opt for a different value system.
to make a choice or decision from a range of possibilities
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opt for
opt for - to make a choice or decision from a range of possibilities
not as good as someone or something else
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Inferior - not as good as someone or something else. It produces photographs of inferior quality. This design is inferior to the one the German company proposed. an inferior student.
If you give me a choice of fruit, I'll ........ a banana.
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opt for
If you give me a choice of fruit, I'll opt for a banana.
making you feel better
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sanative making you feel better
All I need is a ... of water.
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All I need is a sip of water.
I can't drink that! You didn’t let the tea ... for long enough.
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I can't drink that! You didn’t let the tea ... for long enough.
I can't drink that! You didn’t let the tea brew for long enough.
A........ little invention!
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Tea is a....... that grows naturally in the mountainous areas of China and several thousand years ago
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Tea is a shrub that grows naturally in the mountainous areas of China and several thousand years ago
A woody plant of relatively low height
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a low, woody plant with several permanent stems instead of a single trunk; bush
The definition of a...... is the main base of a tree
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The definition of a trunk is the main base of a tree. An example of a trunk is the part of a tree from which the branches extend.
The definition of a ........ is the main stalk of a plant.
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The definition of a stem is the main stalk of a plant. Cut a centimetre off the bottom of the stems before you put roses in water.
I might try ........ a few leaves later on.
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tea has a sanative effect – making you feel better – so I might try munching a few leaves later on.
To munch is to chew something loudly.
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To munch is to chew something loudly.
How to get rid of ........?
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Hiccups often occur out of the blue and can quickly become bothersome, leading us to try all sorts of unusual and creative ideas to get rid of them.
When you swallow wrong and you cannot breathe, this is an example of when you ........
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The definition of a ...... is a noisy release of gas through the mouth.
A mother tries to get her baby to...
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The definition of a burp is a noisy release of gas through the mouth. An example of a burp is the noise people make after drinking a carbonated soda.
I like tea with a delicate flavour – Lapsang Suchong is my favourite with its evocative ........
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I like tea with a delicate flavour – Lapsang Suchong is my favourite with its evocative fragrance.
A woman enjoys the ........ of her flowers
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A woman enjoys the fragrance of her flowers.
........ is defined as a person or company engaged in the business of selling or trading goods.
a person whose business is buying and selling goods for profit
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Merchant is defined as a person or company engaged in the business of selling or trading goods.
successfully marketed by Thomas Sullivan, a tea ........ from New York, who shipped his teabags around the world.
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Teabags first appeared commercially in the first decade of the 20th century and were successfully marketed by Thomas Sullivan, a tea merchant from New York, who shipped his teabags around the world.
Neil's ...... for loose change
...... is defined as a warm affection.
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Neil's fondness for loose change. A couple display a fondness for each other.
The definition of ... is having a strong affection for someone or something.
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The definition of fond is having a strong affection for someone or something. This mother is very fond of her baby.
You commit a ... when you deliberately try to deceive a person or an institution.
using lies and deception to steal money
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You commit a fraud when you deliberately try to deceive a person or an institution. And if a thief does go on a spending spree with your card, your bank covers you against fraud.
The definition of ....... is something said or done in a dishonest way to trick people.
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An example of fraud is when a person promises you that you can make a lot of money by investing with him, but then just takes your money and disappears.
An example of ........ is when you tell someone you are 30 when really you
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An example of deception is when you tell someone you are 30 when really you are 40.
And if a thief does go on a ........ with your card, your bank covers you against fraud.
doing a lot of shopping over a short period of time
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spending spree
And if a thief does go on a spending spree with your card, your bank covers you against fraud. go on a spending spree.
Until that night his life was continuous ......
a short period of time when you do a lot of something
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Until that night his life was continuous spree
His elaborate ....... fooled everyone.
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His elaborate deception fooled everyone.
she ........ in her handbag for a pen.
to try to find something inside a place or container by searching in every part of it
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dug around
You're behind the curve, digging around in your pockets for change, Neil. Do you still use cheques too? She dug around in her handbag for a pen.
He gave our company a ........, but hasn't fulfilled it properly.
make a serious promise
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He gave our company a pledge, but hasn't fulfilled it properly.
An example of ........ is to promise to return a person's car by a certain time.
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I'm impressed by Toby's pledge but I don't think I could live like a student my whole life!
he pledged to give away 99% of his shares in Facebook ........ his lifetime.
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over the course of
he pledged – or made a serious promise – to give away 99% of his shares in Facebook over the course of his lifetime.
He's extremely ........
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But don't worry about Zuckerberg, it's probably fair to say that he will remain extremely well off – or wealthy – even after giving away his fortune.
An example of something ...... is a memory from long ago.
The definition of ...... is something covered in soft fibers, or something that is not clear.
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An example of something fuzzy is a memory from long ago. A fuzzy chick. That sounds too warm and fuzzy for a ruthless – or cruel - robber baron.
The definition of a ........ is an idea suggested by another idea.
an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning
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The definition of a connotation is an idea suggested by another idea.
Students ...... felt that discipline was too strict.
in general; according to a general sample.
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at large
Students at large felt that discipline was too strict. Truck drivers at large don't like the new speed restriction on the highway.
The very word philanthropy does not necessarily have 100% positive ........
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The very word philanthropy does not necessarily have 100% positive connotations for the public at large given where we are in terms of the public's attitude towards business or the banks and that kind of stuff.
A possible ........ of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”.
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A possible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”. An example of connotation is the name Hitler being associated with negative images.
The definition of a contribution is something that you give or something that you do that helps in achieving an end result.
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The definition of a contribution is something that you give or something that you do that helps in achieving an end result. An example of a contribution is when you donate $10 to charity.
notion of giving, making a...
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So I think it's in everyone's interests to try and broaden out the concept of philanthropy into a wider notion of giving, making a contribution, making a difference.
The definition of a ...... is an idea, belief or vague knowledge of something.
a mental image; general idea a vague thought
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The definition of a notion is an idea, belief or vague knowledge of something. An example of a notion is when you have an idea of what acceptable behavior is.
The definition of ... is something unclear, hazy or uncertain.
not clear
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The definition of vague is something unclear, hazy or uncertain. An example of vague would be directions to a house that don't include street names.
The definition of ........ is something that is clouded over or covered by mist or haze, or something that is unclear, vague or not well-defined.
Smog created haze over a freeway.
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Even though the morning was hazy, it cleared up. I have only a hazy memory of the childhood birthday parties.
broaden out the ... – or idea – of philanthropy.
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And that's what Professor Cunningham means when he says we should broaden out the notion – or idea – of philanthropy.
a large number
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tidy sum
That's a tidy sum – and that means a large number!
Why, oh why did he decide to give his fortune away? It's ........ to me.
Difficult to explain or understand
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Why, oh why did he decide to give his fortune away? It's puzzling to me. I was unable to puzzle out the message.
Which science fiction film anticipates gene editing in a dystopian society where humans are genetically ........?
to plan, construct, or manage as an engineer.
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Which science fiction film anticipates gene editing in a dystopian society where humans are genetically engineered?
But I'm not ........ to make such a decision.
to give power or permission to
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UK scientists have been authorised by the government to genetically modify human embryos for research.
What they can't do though is ........ modified embryos into women.
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What they can't do though is implant modified embryos into women.
I ​want to ....... off this ​loose ​thread.
to ​cut something with ​scissors, usually with ​small, ​quick ​cuts
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Have you ​seen the ​scissors? I ​want to snip off this ​loose ​thread. I snipped out the ​article and gave it to her.
a needle and a .......
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An example of thread is the string that is used for sewing two pieces of fabric together.
to ....... a rose.
o remove or cut off (something)
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It scans the DNA searching for the error. Then it uses molecular scissors to snip through both strands, which switches off the faulty gene.
DNA ......
a ​thin ​thread of something, often one of a few, ​twisted around each other to make a ​string or ​rope:
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DNA strand. It scans the DNA searching for the error. Then it uses molecular scissors to snip through both strands, which switches off the faulty gene.
She ​tucked a ​loose ........ of ​hair behind her ​ears.
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She ​tucked a ​loose strand of ​hair behind her ​ears.
a ​package ​tied with ......
(a ​piece of) ​strong, ​thin ​rope made by ​twisting very ​thin ​threads together, used for ​fastening and ​tying things
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a ​package ​tied with string. Guitar string
like the faulty ........ on my bike.
a ​device that makes a ​vehicle go ​slower or ​stop,
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Faulty by the way, means something that isn't working properly – like the faulty brakes on my bike.
She ​works in a ​chemistry........
a laboratory
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She ​works in a ​chemistry lab. For patients with blood, immune, muscle or skin disorders it offers the possibility that their faulty cells could be removed, or changed in the lab, and then put back.
But is there a catch? And that means a problem or........
a ​disadvantage
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But is there a catch? And that means a problem or drawback
One of the ........ of ​living with someone is having to ​share a ​bathroom.
A disadvantage or inconvenience
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One of the drawbacks of ​living with someone is having to ​share a ​bathroom.
to ........ ​your ​workforce/​company
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If you downsize a ​company or ​organization, you make it ​smaller by ​reducing the ​number of ​people ​working for it, and if it downsizes, it ​becomes ​smaller in this way:
The ........ of the ​economy is ​forcing ​businesses to downsize.
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The ​plight of the ​economy is ​forcing ​businesses to downsize.
we don't need it, there are other ways to have healthy children, and it would open the door – possibly – to a world of genetic ........
the people who are very wealthy and the people who are very poor
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haves and have nots
we don't need it, there are other ways to have healthy children, and it would open the door – possibly – to a world of genetic haves and have nots.
She says it may open the door – or make it possible – a situation where embryos are genetically ........ – or improved
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She says it may open the door – or make it possible – a situation where embryos are genetically enhanced – or improved – to be more intelligent or physically stronger, for example.

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