Earnings, rewards and benefits

 0    33 Datenblatt    januszwierzbowski
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money paid to an employee on a weekly basis
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money that is paid on a monthly basis
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formal word for salary
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when we work for more than the normal working time
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an automatic and regular increase in pay
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money that is removed from our earnings to pay for tax, national insurance, etc.
minimum wage
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lowest hourly wage which a company can leaglly pay its employees
double time
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time for which work is paid at twice the normal rate (for example, on national holidays)
pentions plan
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helps people to save money for when they retire from work
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increasing your salary
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When employee needs his wages paid before the usual pay day
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shows an employee how much pay he recieved, and how much has been removed for tax, insurance etc.
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extra payment made in addition to a normal payment
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list a company keeps that shows all the people employed and paid by that company
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money and other benefits offered with a job
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additional money to compensate living in an expensive area
leave entitlement
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the right to take paid vacations
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money that people recieve for working
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money that people spend
job satisfaction
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pleasure for doing job
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percentage of the sales value (prowizja)
stock options
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ability that company gives to their employees to buy stocks at a price lower than the normal price
incentive plan
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plan where company offer their employees extra rewards and benefits for good attendance, increased productivity, etc.
hourly/daily/weekly rate
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amount of money an employee receives each hour/day/week
redundancy pay
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the money that company pays employee when they cannot afford him (odprawa za zlikwidowanie stanowiska pracy)
relocation allowance
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extra money for changing your living region
profit share
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policy to give all or some of the money that company earns to their employees
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earnings before tax
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earnings after tax
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the money that employee earns rises automatically by the percentage increase in the cost of living
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money that an employee recieves depends on how well he does his job
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money that an employee recieves depends on his experience, age, qualifications, position in the company, etc.
golden handshake
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large amount of money offered to an employee when he leaves company after many years

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