EN w tłumaczeniach 01

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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
stawać się / robić się
Lernen beginnen
When it got too hot, they went out to swim in the river. If people wash their hands too often, their skin gets drier.
Lernen beginnen
to regret
We regret to inform you that the application has been refused.
Lernen beginnen
to refuse (to do)
I asked him to leave but he refused. Cathy refuses to admit that she was wrong.
przyznawać się
Lernen beginnen
She admitted to stealing the keys. I was wrong - I admit it.
Lernen beginnen
The cat scratches people if they annoy it.
wpuścić go
Lernen beginnen
let him in
If anyone is late, the teacher will not let them in.
Lernen beginnen
If he saves up enough money, he will buy a new mountain bike.
próbować dalej
Lernen beginnen
keep trying
If you press him a bit harder, he will tell you the whole truth. Keep trying.
dbać o
Lernen beginnen
take care of
If you take good care of your car, some day you will sell it at a good price.
opiekować się kimś
Lernen beginnen
1. to look after SB 2. to take care of
okaże się, że
Lernen beginnen
it will turn out that
If the book turns out to be boring, I will not read all of it.
nie stać na
Lernen beginnen
can not afford to
If we can't afford the theatre tickets, we will watch the play on TV.
Lernen beginnen
get used to
If they spend so much time together, they will get used to each other in no time at all.
zrozumieć coś/kogoś
Lernen beginnen
figure out
to finally understand something or someone after a lot of thought. I never could figure out what she saw in him. I will not be able to help her if I don't figure out what her problem is.
Lernen beginnen
out of the blue
pojawiać się
Lernen beginnen
come up
If a job or opportunity comes up, it becomes available. If a problem or difficult situation comes up, it happens.
zbliżać się, podchodzić
Lernen beginnen
come up
My exams are coming up next month. After the concert, he came up to me to ask for my autograph.
pewny (siebie)
Lernen beginnen
certain about your ability to do things well
pewność siebie
Lernen beginnen
He's a good student, but he lacks confidence.
brak czegoś, niedostatek
Lernen beginnen
a lack of something
a lack of food/money
dam ci znać
Lernen beginnen
I'll let you know
If I get to know the results before ten p.m., I will let you know immediately.
dowiedzieć się
Lernen beginnen
to find out
Peter was shocked when he found out what we had done.
środowisko, otoczenie
Lernen beginnen
The new road may cause damage to the environment. We are working in a very competitive environment.
publiczność, odbiorca
Lernen beginnen
There were a lot of children in the audience. This magazine is aimed at a teenage audience.
dni powszednie, dni robocze
Lernen beginnen
weekdays, working days
On weekdays, I have lunch at school.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
agencja reklamowa
Lernen beginnen
advertising agency
wyjechać na weekend
Lernen beginnen
go away for the weekend
We are eating out this week because our mum is away.
działalność, działanie, poruszenie
Lernen beginnen
The centre offers a range of activities, such as cycling, swimming, and tennis. The work of a group or organization to achieve an aim.
Lernen beginnen
I've achieved my ambition I've been working all day but I feel I've achieved nothing.
Lernen beginnen
Food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a meal.
Lernen beginnen
Dirty plates, bowls, and other objects for cooking or eating food.
Lernen beginnen
Comfortable furniture, clothes, rooms, etc make you feel relaxed and do not cause any pain. If you are comfortable in a situation, you do not have any worries about it.
przeszkadzać, niepokoić
Lernen beginnen
To interrupt what someone is doing by making noise or annoying them. Don't disturb him, he needs to sleep.

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