ENG 27th Jan 2016

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niezniszczalni (a person who is very large, strong, intelligent or important)
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the titans of American football
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THE titans
who in Greek mythology were the older gods who were defeated in a battle with Zeus
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Zeus /zjus/
mieszkańcy byli bardzo gościnni
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The locals were extremely welcoming.
o filmie
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the writing is great / the characters are great
na piśmie
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in writing
You must get it in writing.
Could you put your complaint in writing?
obsada jest świetna
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the cast is great
wyjrzyj przez okno
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I looked out my window. (common)
She looked out of the window.
nie móc się czegoś doczekać
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to be eager FOR sth
o wiele
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I must be going home; it's way past my bedtime.
She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.
cena jest zbyt wysoka
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The price is way above what we can afford.
ta spódnica jest o wiele za krótka
a lot) too short.
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This skirt is way (
pić z pudełka / z butelki
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to drink out of the box / bottle
temperatura zamazania
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the freezing point is...
temperatura wrzenia
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the boiling point is...
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the freezing point of water is 32 degrees °F and the boiling point 212°F
to give the temperature in Fahrenheit
skala Richtera
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the Richter scale
an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale
on the Richter scale
w wieku 82 lat
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at 82 years old / at 82
pomadka do ust
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twardo stąpający po ziemi
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to be down to earth
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czuły Englisch
całować się z kimś
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to make out with sb
Jak nazywa cię twoja żona?
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What nickname does your wife call you?
klub osób, które uprawiały sex w samolocie
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a member of the mile-high club
Z kim całowałeś się po raz pierwszy?
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who was your first kiss
Spanish + English
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rozmawiać na applowym odpowiedniku skype's
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to facetime
videotelephony product
otrząsnąć się z czegoś / mieć coś za sobą
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to be over sth
biec truchtem
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to light jog
wrócić do formy
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to get (yourself) into shape
I’m trying to get into shape before summer.
nienadający się do operacji
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(of an illness, especially cancer) not able to be cured by a medical operation
w czasie przesłuchania
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during the hearing
wklep to
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pat it in
a person who thinks that a particular quality or type of behaviour is very important and expects other people to think and behave in the same way
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to be a stickler for (punctuality)
moja mama, jak wszystkie mamy, ma zawsze rację
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my mum like all mums is always right
Myślę, że zaczynam chorować.
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I think I'm coming down with something. / I think I'm coming down with flu.
plastry rozgrzewające na ból placów
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heat patch for back pain
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They had various knick-knacks on the top of the bookcase.

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