EViU2 - 067: On the road (ENG -> ENG)

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Frage English Antworten English
pedestrian crossing
Lernen beginnen
where people can cross the road
broke down
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stopped because of a problem
blocking the road
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stopping things from moving in the road
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long line of cars that cannot move
pulled out
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moved out to the centre of the road
the driver braked
Lernen beginnen
put his foot on the brake to stop the car
prevent the accident
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stop it happening
keep going
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continue in this direction
get to
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reach/arrive at
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people who walk
speeding the speed limit
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going to fast
petrol stations
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places where you buy petrol
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there are not people to put the petrol in your car; you serve yourself and then pay
Lernen beginnen
pass it on the outside

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