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wymienia sie obraczkami w kosciele
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they exchange rings in the church
pan mlody ma ubrany czarny garnitur
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the groom wears a black suit
panna mloda ma na sobie biala suknie
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the bride wears white dress
gdzie powinnam wysiasc
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where should i get off
dogadywac sie z
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to get on with
chce zebys ty dobrze sié rozumial z swojá mamá
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i want you to get on with your mum
pasowac do czegos, kogos
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pasowac do czegos, kogos Englisch
fit in
ja nie pasuje do tej grupy
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i do not fit in the group
wypelnic cos
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fit in
czy wypelnilas ten formularz wczoraj
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did you fit in the form yesterday
chcialabym sie dowiedziec czy ja otrzymam ten urlop
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i would like to find out if I receive the holiday
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to receive
powiedz mi czy mnie lubisz
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Tell me if you like me
wysadzisz mnie przy konsilu
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will you drop me off by the consil

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