Grammar Test 2 Part 4

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Lernen beginnen
the action of taking something or taking control of something, especially using power or force
Lernen beginnen
an end to something
Lernen beginnen
someone who has to do a lot of boring and unpleasant work
Lernen beginnen
to remove dirt and sand from the bottom of a river or lake
Lernen beginnen
to walk somewhere with slow heavy steps
Lernen beginnen
to feel annoyed because someone has got something that you want, and you think they do not deserve it
Lernen beginnen
the small amount of liquid and solid pieces left in the bottom of a container
Lernen beginnen
capable of producing poison
Lernen beginnen
very old and wise or respected
strew - strewed - strawn
Lernen beginnen
sprinkle, pour (past simple & participle form)
loose - loosed - loosed
Lernen beginnen
to start holding someone or something less tightly (past simple & past participle)
broadcast - broadcast - broadcast
Lernen beginnen
nadawać (tv) (past simple & participle)
to spill - spilt - spilled
Lernen beginnen
sprinkle, pour (past simple & participle)
to spit - spat - spit
Lernen beginnen
splunąć (ps & pp)
to glide - glided - glided
Lernen beginnen
szybować (ps & pp)
to dwell - dwellt - dwelled
Lernen beginnen
live, maintain (ps & pp)
to shoe - shod - shod
Lernen beginnen
okuć, podkuć buty (ps & pp)
to creep - crept - crept
Lernen beginnen
skradać, pełzać (ps & pp)
to knit - knit - knit
Lernen beginnen
ściągać, złożyć (ps & pp)
to shear - sheared - shom
Lernen beginnen
pozbawiać (ps & pp)
to hew - hewed - hewn
Lernen beginnen
rąbać (ps & pp)
to arouse - aroused - aroused
Lernen beginnen
obudzić, przebudzić (ps & pp)
to bleed - bled - bled
Lernen beginnen
krwawić (ps & pp)
to forbear - forbore - forbore
Lernen beginnen
wytrzymać, znosić (ps & pp)
to sting - stung - stung
Lernen beginnen
oszukać (ps & pp)
to speed - sped - speeded
Lernen beginnen
przyśpieszać, gnać (ps & pp)
to withhold - withheld - withheld
Lernen beginnen
powstrzymać się, cofnąć (ps & pp)
to mow - mowed - mown
Lernen beginnen
kosić (ps & pp)
nice distinction
Lernen beginnen
miła odmiana
sit pretty
Lernen beginnen
To rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks.
take a leaf out of someone's book
Lernen beginnen
Imitate or follow someone's example
teeth are chattering
Lernen beginnen
szczękać zębami
as warm...
Lernen beginnen
... as a toast
black as...
Lernen beginnen
... as coal
white as...
Lernen beginnen
... as a sheet
quick as...
Lernen beginnen
... as a lightning
as good as...
Lernen beginnen
... as gold
as like as two peas
Lernen beginnen
really looking alike
be saddled with sth/sb
Lernen beginnen
zajęty, zaabsorbowany
pot luck
Lernen beginnen
whatever food happens to be available without special preparation
as safe as houses
Lernen beginnen
very safe
safe and sound
Lernen beginnen
cały i zdrowy
overdose of sth
Lernen beginnen
przedawkować coś
let sleeping dogs lie
Lernen beginnen
zostawić coś w spokoju
be a towering rage
Lernen beginnen
be furious
cock and bull
Lernen beginnen
nonsensical, unbelievable
stuff and nonsense
Lernen beginnen
heart and soul
Lernen beginnen
devote all one's attention and energy
off and on
Lernen beginnen
known with some intermissions
Lernen beginnen
euphemism for any term of abuse
skimp and scrape
Lernen beginnen
economise, do without things
Lernen beginnen
fed up with
once and for all
Lernen beginnen
raz na zawsze
Lernen beginnen
ambitious and with good prospects
over and done with
Lernen beginnen
finished and forgotten about
dead and alive
Lernen beginnen
dull, uninteresting
high and mighty
Lernen beginnen
giving oneself airs of importance
by and large
Lernen beginnen
generally speaking
rack and ruin
Lernen beginnen
fall into ruins or into disorganisation
a free-for-all
Lernen beginnen
a fight in which everyone take part
there and then
Lernen beginnen
on the spot, immediately
life and soul of the party
Lernen beginnen
the amusing person who makes party better
far and away
Lernen beginnen
long way ahead of the others
long and short
Lernen beginnen
to put long story short
touch and go
Lernen beginnen
very uncertain
to depose
Lernen beginnen
to force a political leader or a king or queen out of their position of power
to dispose of sth
Lernen beginnen
to get rid of something that you no longer need or want
Lernen beginnen
the process of getting rid of something
Lernen beginnen
the way that someone normally thinks and behaves, that shows what type of person they are
Lernen beginnen
never completely used up, and therefore always available
Lernen beginnen
never showing signs of getting tired
Lernen beginnen
a stone statue of an ugly creature, used mainly on old churches for directing water away from the roof
to gargle
Lernen beginnen
to move liquid around in the back of your mouth, in order to clean your mouth and throat
to gurgle
Lernen beginnen
to make the low sound that water makes when it is poured quickly from a bottle
to bungle
Lernen beginnen
to spoil something by doing it very badly
to ramble
Lernen beginnen
to talk for a long time in a confused way, especially about other things instead of the subject that you should be talking about
to rumble
Lernen beginnen
to make a continuous deep sound
to rumple
Lernen beginnen
give a creased, ruffled, or disheveled appearance to
to crumple
Lernen beginnen
to crush something such as paper or cloth so that it forms untidy folds, or to be crushed in this way
to crumble
Lernen beginnen
to break something into very small pieces, or to be broken into very small pieces
to grumble
Lernen beginnen
to complain, especially continuously and about unimportant things
to inundate
Lernen beginnen
to send or provide much more of something than someone can easily deal with
to clinch
Lernen beginnen
to manage to win or achieve something by doing one final thing that makes it certain
to clench
Lernen beginnen
if you clench a part of your body such as your hand or your mouth, or if it clenches, you close it tightly, especially because you are angry or upset
Lernen beginnen
tidy and in good condition
Lernen beginnen
an accident in which a ship is destroyed during a journey, usually because it hits rocks
Lernen beginnen
a support for the end of a row of books to keep them upright, often one of a pair.
standard lamp
Lernen beginnen
a tall light that stands on the floor and consists of a pole with a lampshade (=cover) at the top
lamp standard
Lernen beginnen
a tall metal or concrete post supporting a street lamp
Lernen beginnen
a building or shelter for keeping small boats in when they are not being used, often at the edge of a river or lake
Lernen beginnen
a company or person that is insolvent does not have enough money to pay what they owe
Lernen beginnen
rude, especially when you should be showing respect
Lernen beginnen
if a solid substance dissolves in a liquid, it is mixed into the liquid so that it becomes included in it
Lernen beginnen
unable to make decisions
Lernen beginnen
someone whose job is to execute criminals
Lernen beginnen
the part of something that is left after the rest has gone or been finished
Lernen beginnen
a small remaining part of something
Lernen beginnen
pens, paper, envelopes, pencils, and other things used for writing
Lernen beginnen
someone whose job is to sell stationery
Lernen beginnen
not moving
Lernen beginnen
not moving
Lernen beginnen
an enemy or opponent
Lernen beginnen
negative, unpleasant, or harmful
to be averse to sth
Lernen beginnen
to dislike or not enjoy something
Lernen beginnen
to prevent something bad or harmful from happening
Lernen beginnen
the ability to stay alive when you do not have much food or money
Lernen beginnen
the process by which a building becomes damaged because the land it is on has sunk
Lernen beginnen
an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service
Lernen beginnen
a company that is owned by a larger company
Lernen beginnen
food and drink
Lernen beginnen
someone who frequently drinks too much alcohol
Lernen beginnen
expressed using only a few words, but in a way that is easy to understand
to impoverish
Lernen beginnen
to make a person or country very poor
Lernen beginnen
one of the two front legs of an animal that has four legs
Lernen beginnen
spending too much time and money on physical pleasures in a way that most people consider immoral
to catch hold of
Lernen beginnen
to suddenly start holding someone or something
Lernen beginnen
extremely useful
Lernen beginnen
a unit for measuring weight, equal to 28.35 grams
to pounce
Lernen beginnen
to quickly jump on or hold someone or something
Lernen beginnen
a fat stomach, usually on a man
Lernen beginnen
a small bag made of cloth or thin leather
Lernen beginnen
to cook an egg without its shell in water that is boiling gently
Lernen beginnen
a shelter in a garden that is made by growing plants over a frame
Lernen beginnen
very strong feelings of admiration or determination
Lernen beginnen
freedom from any risk of being punished for doing something wrong or bad
Lernen beginnen
a situation in which someone is not affected by something such as a law because they have a special job or position
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
powerful, or effective
to elicit
Lernen beginnen
to make someone react in the way that you want
Lernen beginnen
relationship, activity, or situation that people do not approve of
to floor sb in an argument
Lernen beginnen
to defeat sb in an argument
to corner the market
Lernen beginnen
to monopolize the market
to thumb a lift
Lernen beginnen
catch a driver (złapać stopa)
to shoulder responsibility
Lernen beginnen
to undertake responsibility
to tiptoe in
Lernen beginnen
to enter very quietly
to man a ship
Lernen beginnen
to collect, organise the crew or to be a crew
to board up a window
Lernen beginnen
to put blanks for safety (zabić okna deskami)
to sponge on sb
Lernen beginnen
to abuse sb's generosity
to house the survivors
Lernen beginnen
to give the shelter to the survivors
to referee a match
Lernen beginnen
to be a referee at a match
to vacuum the carpet
Lernen beginnen
to clean the carpet with vacuum cleaner, to hoover
to coat sth with varnish
Lernen beginnen
to cover sth with paint, to put a layer on sth
to ship goods abroad
Lernen beginnen
to sent, transport goods abroad
to outline government policy
Lernen beginnen
to present the main points, to sketch
to cotton on to sth
Lernen beginnen
to finally understand, come to conclusion
to head for somewhere
Lernen beginnen
go somewhere, in some direction
to dwarf something
Lernen beginnen
to make sth smaller
to dog sb's footsteps
Lernen beginnen
to follow closely (wlec się za kimś)
to peter out
Lernen beginnen
to come to an end, to disappear
to guy sth / sb
Lernen beginnen
to imitate sb in a funny way
to map out a holiday
Lernen beginnen
to organise, plan (holiday)
to egg someone on
Lernen beginnen
to encourage sb to do sth stupid, unwise
to loaf about
Lernen beginnen
to fool around
to beard the lion in his den
Lernen beginnen
to face sth/sb bravely (wejść do jaskini lwa)
to cash in on sth
Lernen beginnen
to profit from, take advantage of
to be doged by misfortune
Lernen beginnen
być prześladowanym przez pecha
poultry (plural)
Lernen beginnen
drób, mięso drobiowe (singular or plural)
cattle (plural)
Lernen beginnen
bydło (singular or plural?)
Lernen beginnen
singular from BACTERIA
many a day has passed
Lernen beginnen
nie jeden dzień upłynął
to squander
Lernen beginnen
trwonić, marnować
to strive
Lernen beginnen
to make a lot of effort to achieve something
to deal a blow to sb
Lernen beginnen
to harm, upset, or shock someone or something
to endeavour
Lernen beginnen
to try to do sth
refrain from + ing
Lernen beginnen
odmówić czegoś + infinitive/gerund
to kindle
Lernen beginnen
to inflame

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