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a blessing in disguise
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(szczęście w nieszczęściu) sth that seems to be a problem at first but that has a good result in the end
chicken feed
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(marne grosze) amount of money that is not enough to be important
child's play
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(dziecinnie proste) to be very easy to do
a drop in the ocean
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amount of sth that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation
elbow grease
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(wysiłek) the effort used in physical work
a flash in the pan
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(jednorazowy wyczyn) sudden success that last onlya short time and is not likely to be repeated
a fly in the ointment
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person or thing that spoils the situation
the gift of the gab
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(być wygadanym) If someone has the gift of the gab, they speak in a persuasive and interesting way.
a jack-of-all-trades
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a person who can repair everything
the life and sould of the party
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a sociable and grogarious person
the odd man out
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One who, because of strangeness of behavior or belief, stands alone in or out from a group.
the rat race
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wyścig szczurów, the ruthless, competitive struggle for success in work, etc.
a shot in the dark
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If you have a shot in the dark at something, you try something where you have little hope of success, strzał w ciemno
a sight for sore eyes
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a welcome and pleasant sight
a slip of the tongue
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a careless mistake while saying sth
a stick-in-the-mud
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a conservative, stubborn person
a stone's throw
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rzut kamieniem, very close
a storm in a teacup
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f someone exaggerates a problem or makes a small problem seem far greater than it really is, burza w szklance wody
teething troubles
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pocz problemy, The problems that a project has when it is starting
blue-eyed boy
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techer's favourite student
confirmed bachelor
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a man whowon't get married
dead heat
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If a race ends in a dead heat, two or more finish with exactly the same result.
double Dutch
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it is completely incomprehensible, nonsens, bełkot
general dogsbody
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the person who doeas all the boring routine work
golden handshake
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payment made to someone to get them to leave their job.
last straw
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an additional problemin a series of unpleasant events
mixed blessing
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an event, situation, etc., having both advantages and disadvantages
practical joke
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trick played on someone that is meant to be funny for people watching, though normally embarrassing for the person being tricked, psikus
raw deal
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If you get a raw deal, you are treated unfairly., niesprawiedliwe traktowanie
red tape
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short cut
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a route that is shorter than the usual one, skrót
sore point with sb
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drażliwy temat
spitting image
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two person look the same
keep a stiff upper lip
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If you keep your emotions to yourself and don't let others know how you feel when something bad happens, nie pokazywać uczuć
sweeping statement
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ogólne stwierdzenie
tall order
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Something that is likely to be hard to achieve or fulfil is a tall order, ciężka sprawa
tight spot
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trudna sytuacja
vicious circle
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błędne koło
wishful thinking
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believing that something is true or that something will happen just because one wishes that it were true or would happen, pobożne życzenie
butter fingers
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Someone who has butterfingers is clumsy and drops things. = all thumbs
in a jam
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If you are in a jam, you are in some trouble. If you get out of a jam, you avoid trouble.
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If some is paid peanuts, their salary is very low.
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One who is severely impaired mentally and physically, as by brain injury or disease.
no picnic
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to nie przelewki!
the cream
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the salt of the earth
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People who are salt of the earth are decent, dependable and unpretentious., zwykły, uczciwy człowiek
full of beans
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they are very energetic.
sour grapes
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When someone says something critical or negative because they are jealous, it is a case of sour grapes., zazdrość
be nuts
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zwariowany, stuknięty
not be sb cup of tea
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nie lubić, nie przepadać za czymś
a piece of cake
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really easy
as cool as a cucumber
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być opanowanym, composed
as red as a beetroot
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czerwony jak burak
as warm as a toast
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bardzo ciepły
two peans in a pod
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look similar almost the same
hot potato
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kłopotliwy problem wymagający rozwiazania
selling like hot cakes
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dobrze się sprzedaje
packed like sardines
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ciasno wciśnięte
spend money like water
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wydawać pieniądzy dużo
chain smoker
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nałogowy palacz
pitch dark
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egipskie ciemności
splitting headache
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głowa pęka
deat heat
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remis, nierozstrzygnięta bitwa
marked man
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gość który ma przeskrobane u kogoś
casting vote
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decydujący głos
Dutch courage
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odwaga po napiciu się
inside job
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zdrada; a crime committed by someone against the organization that they work for (not used with the)
dirt cheap
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tani jak barszcz, za psie pieniądze
stone deaf
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głuchy jak pień
(sth has been a) sore point with
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drażliwy temat, punkt
be a foregone conclusion
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być z góry przesądzonym
flat broke
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close shave
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o mały włos
bone idle
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wyjątkowo leniwy
open secret
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although sth is supposed to be a secret, everybody knows it
French leave
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leave job without asking permission first
soft spot for
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mieć do kogoś słabośc
(to have a) bee in his bonnet about
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be crazy about
to kill two birds with one stone
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with one action
birds of a feather flock together
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people who are similar stick together
have butterflies in sb stomach
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denerwować się, mieć tremę
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
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nie mów hop, póki nie przeskoczysz
be a wolf in sheep's clothing
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wilk w owczej skórze
Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg
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zabić kurę przynoszącą złote jajka
wild-goose chase
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szukanie wiatru w polu
cook sb goose
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to ruin sb chances for success
let the cat out of the bag
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to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake
flog a dead horse
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to waste sb effort by trying to do sth that is no longer interesting
donkey's years
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for a very long time
go to the dogs
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zejsć na psy
get my goat
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to annoy me very much
take a bull by the horns
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wziąć byka za rogi
until the cows come home
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można to robić w nieskończoność
plenty more fish in the sea
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tego kwiatu jest pół światu
make a pig of oneself
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jeść niechlujnie
crocodile tears
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krokodyle łzy
lion's share
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lwia część, duża część
have kittens
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become very anxious, angry, disappointed
stag party/hen party
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wieczór kawalerski/panieński

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