idioms/ fixed phrases 4

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at large
Lernen beginnen
free, not caught
be in the know
Lernen beginnen
be well-informed
bring to one's knees
Lernen beginnen
destroy, humble
bury one's head in the sand
Lernen beginnen
avoid or ignore reality/ responsibility
come to a head
Lernen beginnen
reach a critical point
drop sb a line
Lernen beginnen
send sb a letter
fine kettle of fish
Lernen beginnen
confused state of affairs
go to any lengths
Lernen beginnen
do anything necessary to get sth you want
have kittens
Lernen beginnen
be nervous/ anxious about sth
keep oneself to oneself
Lernen beginnen
live quietly, privately
make a killing
Lernen beginnen
have a sudden, great succes/profit
make light of
Lernen beginnen
trat sth as unimportant
make/ earn a/ one's living
Lernen beginnen
earn money
on the level
Lernen beginnen
pull one's leg
Lernen beginnen
tease or trick sb
shed light upon
Lernen beginnen
give new/ further information
sleep like a log
Lernen beginnen
be sound asleep
the life and soul of sth
Lernen beginnen
the most lively and amusing person present somewhere
the lion's share
Lernen beginnen
the biggest part/ portion
turn over a new leaf
Lernen beginnen
make a new start
with a view to doing sth
Lernen beginnen
with the intention or hope of doing sth
a night owl
Lernen beginnen
person who enjoys staying up late
be second to none
Lernen beginnen
be the best
cross one's mind
Lernen beginnen
occur to one, have a sudden idea, recall sth
cry over spilt milk
Lernen beginnen
grieve over sth that can't be put right
every nook and cranny
Lernen beginnen
feel/ be down in the mouth
Lernen beginnen
feel discouraged/ depressed
get a move on
Lernen beginnen
hurry up
get on one's nerves
Lernen beginnen
irritate/ annoy sb
have an early night
Lernen beginnen
go to bed early
hit the nail on the head
Lernen beginnen
say exactly the right thing
in a nutshell
Lernen beginnen
briefly; in a few words
make a name for oneself
Lernen beginnen
become famous/ respected for sth
make hay while the sun shines
Lernen beginnen
take advantage of favourable circumstances
make money hand over fist
Lernen beginnen
make a lot of money quickly and easily
make one's getaway
Lernen beginnen
moon around
Lernen beginnen
look miserable
null and void
Lernen beginnen
invalid; not legally binding
once in a blue moon
Lernen beginnen
very rarely
put sb's same forward
Lernen beginnen
nominate sb
put words into one's mouth
Lernen beginnen
pretend that sb has said sth that they havne't actually said
slip one's mind
Lernen beginnen
forget about sth
work a miracle
Lernen beginnen
make sth almost impossible happen
give the green light to sth/sb
Lernen beginnen
give permission to proceed with sth

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