idioms/ fixed phrases 7

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an old wives' tale
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false belief (usually about health)
be born yesterday
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be easily deceived/ naive
beat sb black and blue
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hit sb repeatedly until bruised
go back on one's word
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not fulfil a promise (opp: keep one's word)
have a yellow streak
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be a coward
not have it both ways
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refuse to make a decision between two pleasant things (usu in expression "you can't have it both ways!")
in the red
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owe money to a bank(opp in the black)
see red
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suddenly become very angry
green belt
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the area on the outskirts of a town adjoining the country
pitch black
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very dark
black tie
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formal clotching
green with envy
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very jealous
green(matter/ issue)
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concerned with ecology
have words with sb
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have an argument
have/keep one's wits about one
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be alert and able to deal with difficulties
in deep water
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in trouble/ difficulty
make sb's day
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make sb very happy
see/look at sth through rose-coloured spectacles
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see sth from an unrealistically positive point of view
the black sheep of the family
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a disgraced family member
the pot calling the kettle black
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accusing sb of a fault one has oneself
the year dot
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a long time ago
until one is blue in the face
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as hard/long as one possibly can (usu without success)
red herring
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sth which distracts you from sth important
(fight) like cat and dog
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(disagree) violently
(like) a bull in a china shop
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behave in a clumsy /awkward way
make dog's dinner (of sth)
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(make) a mess (of sth)
a bear with a sore head
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irritated / in a bad mood
a different kettle of fish
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a totally different situation etc from the one just mentioned
a dog's life
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a difficult, hard life
a fish out of water
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sb who feels uncomfortable/ in unfamiliar surroundingd
a red rag to a bull
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action, comment etc liable to provoke sb
a sitting duck
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an easy target
as busy as a bee / a busy bee
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(sb) vey busy
at the crow flies
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in a direct line/ by a direct route
be in the doghouse
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be out of favour, in trouble
dog eat dog
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ruthless competition, rivarly
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(of books) with the corners bent and turned down through use
donkey work
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boring/ monotonous work

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