idioms from sport

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Frage English Antworten English
a situation of fai competition
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level playing field
being in control
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in the driving seat
being at the same level as the competition
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neck and neck
wasting your time on a hopeless situation
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flogging a dead horse
a change in the rules
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move the goalposts
staying focused
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keep your eyes on the ball
being in front of the competition
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ahead of the game
being the only competitor
Lernen beginnen
one horse race
to act or fight with less force than you could
Lernen beginnen
pull one's punches
it is your turn to take the next step
Lernen beginnen
ball is in your court
to be given sth difficult to do without any help
Lernen beginnen
to be thrown in at the deep end
to go back on a promise
Lernen beginnen
to be able to succeed alone or to fail
Lernen beginnen
sink or swim
to start
Lernen beginnen
kick off

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