Industries and companies

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primary industries
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agriculture, forestry, mining
secondary industries
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capital goods, durable goods, non-durable goods
capital goods
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equipment and machinery used to produce other goods
durable goods
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cars, washing machines
non-durable goods
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food, clothing
service industries
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banking, entertainment, tourism
Economy can be divided into
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the private sector, the public sector
the private sector
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large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, individuals working on a self-employment basis
the public sector
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schools, hospitals, state owned enterprises
Types of business
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sole trader, partnership, limited partnership, privet limited company, public limited company, franchise
sole trader
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responsible for all losses of the business, no one to share the risk with him, no one to take over from him, no capital for expansion
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they share the risk, they also share a profit, tho or more people run the business together
limited partnership
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a partner can limit his liability to the amount he contributes, one partner have unlimited personal liability for the losses of the partnership
private limited company
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limited liability company, company is responsible for any debts not the owners, shares cannot be sold to members of the public, restriction on the number of members (maximum fifty)
public limited company
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large financial institutions, members of the public, run by managers under supervision of a Board, stockholders can sell their shares freely on the Stock Exchange
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business owner allows other people (franchisees) to set up in business using the company's brand name products and reputation, the franchisee has varying degrees of control over how products are marketed and sold
Business expansion
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stay private, initial public offering, trade sale, merger, acquisition
stay private
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the company increases its sales, number of employees but stay as a private company
initial public offering
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the process of issuing shares, moves from large company to company with a stock-market listing
trade sale
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the original small company is absorbed, for instance: biotechnology and IT
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two established companies join to form one
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takeover, one established company buys another (subsidiary) by taking controlling stake
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An examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy
air freight
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a system of transporting freight by air.
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An integrated circuit or other electronic component containing a semiconductor as a base material
data processing
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The collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information
general merchandise store
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a rural or small town store that carries a general line of merchandise
A peripheral
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a device that is connected to a host computer, but not part of it
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electric, gas, water
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the business of buying and selling shares
consumer staples
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beverage, food, personal products
office supplies
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paper, post-it notes
consumer discretionary
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automobiles, household appliances, consumer services, household durables, leisure facilities
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integrated circuit
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real estate
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rooms, equipment or services that are provided for particular purpose
initial public offering
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run company on
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a day-to-day basis
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restrictions, obstacle
underwrite the issue
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the investment bank takes some risk as they guarantee that all the shares will be purchased

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