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Frage English Antworten English
Learn the proper way of doing, using or handling something
Lernen beginnen
get the hang of something
trying to seem too attractive or too clever in a way that is false
Lernen beginnen
to make someone think that sth is going to happen
Lernen beginnen
get someone's hopes up
that's all I have to say
Lernen beginnen
that's pretty much it
To perform actions consistent with one's claims
Lernen beginnen
to walk the talk
to say what someone's think
Lernen beginnen
to voice someone's opinion
Lernen beginnen
abandoned Englisch
we believe it happened
Lernen beginnen
the incident is believed to have happened
to be in a state of discussion, formation, or preparation
Lernen beginnen
To be on the anvil
get the wrong meaning
Lernen beginnen
get your wires crossed

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