Kasia 5th Dec 2014 (2 hours)

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włosy rzednące na skroniach, zakola nad czołem
rzednąć (o włosach)
Lernen beginnen
receding hairline; hair receding at the temples
to recede
He was in his mid-forties, with a receding hairline.
w pewnym sensie
Lernen beginnen
in a way
Lernen beginnen
creased / wrinkled
obowiązek domowy
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Zostałam wyznaczona, żeby tam pojechać
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I was appointed to go there.
z całej Polski
Lernen beginnen
from THE whole Poland
z nadwagą (mający nadwagę) / pulchny
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obese / overweight / chubby
Muszę przyznać...
Lernen beginnen
I have to admit that...
You may not like her, but you have to admit that she's good at her job.
patrzeć w lustro
Lernen beginnen
to look IN the mirror
jest gorzej
Lernen beginnen
it's worse
it's getting worse
on mieszka tam od około roku
Lernen beginnen
he's been living there FOR one year
Lernen beginnen
wages - money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work
wiązać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
utrzymać rodzinę
Lernen beginnen
to support sb
She supports her family by teaching evening classes.
I have a wife and two children to support.
nie jest tak łatwo jak było
Lernen beginnen
it's not AS easy AS it was
dziesiątego stycznia
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ON the tenth of January
zrobić odważny krok
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to MAKE a brave step
przede wszystkim
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first of all
robić brzuszki
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to do sit-ups
Lernen beginnen
(to do) push-ups AmE = press-ups BrE
Lernen beginnen
podciągać się
Lernen beginnen
to do pull-ups
robić przysiady
Lernen beginnen
to do squats
robić szpagat
Lernen beginnen
to do the splits
to spread your legs wide apart so that your legs touch the floor along their whole length
Lernen beginnen
bum = bottom
the part of your body that you sit on
Zamieniam się w słuch
Lernen beginnen
I'm all ears
Do jakich miast pojechaliście?
Lernen beginnen
What cities did you go TO?
Krzywa Wieża w Pizie
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the Leaning Tower of Pisa
a tall round tower in Pisa, Italy, which does not stand straight, but leans to one side. It was built in the 12th century and is popular with tourists.
powoduje, że cieknie mi ślinka
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it makes my mouth water
szynka parmeńska
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Parma ham
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an island in the Mediterranean Sea, which is part of Italy and is close to the country's southwest coast. Many people think of it as the home of the Mafia. Capital: Palermo.
wydawać pieniądze
Lernen beginnen
to spend money ON sth
NEVER: spend money FOR sth
podróże rozwijają
Lernen beginnen
Travelling broadens your mind

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