koło 2

 0    18 Datenblatt    marcia91
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Frage English Antworten English
It cost an arm and a leg
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It cost an arm and a leg Englisch
It cost a fortune
he lives in the lap of luxury
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he lives like a king
i haven't got a penny to my name
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I'm broke
he lives from hand to mouth
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he has hardly enough money or food to live on
to burn/blow money
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Spend a lot of money on sth
pay through the nose/pay over the odds
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to pay too much for something
be stinking rich/be rolling in it
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be very rich
It isn't worth a bean
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It's worthless
It's dirt cheap
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It costs next to nothing
It's worth a fortune
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It's priceless
to set out to do sth
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begin with the intention of achieving sth
put sth down to sth
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consider sth to be the result of sth else
come into sth
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to inherit sth
live off smn-sth
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depend on smn/sth as a source of income
pay sth off
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repay a debt
keep up with with smn/sth
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to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something:
fall back on smn/sth
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to use someone or something when other things have failed, or when there are no other choices:
put sth by
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save sth so you can use it later

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